Part Five

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A pair of black Converse squeaked like they were on a basketball court, maintaining a steady pace through the halls of the Type-X model TARDIS. Their owner, 25-year-old Kristin Curtsinger, was having the time of her life. She had just been wed to the greatest man in the universe – or multiverse, in his case. Some wouldn't consider him a "man" in the traditional sense, being that he was an alien from another world – a Time Lord. The people from his home planet of Gallifrey called him "Aznavorian," but Kristin always called him by the Earth name she helped give him: "Steven."

After a private wedding back in her home of Harlem, New York, they were on what Steven referred as "a very long honeymoon," setting out to explore endless worlds across the infinite dimensional corridor ("Infinite DC" for short). That and make endless, passionate love whenever possible.

But, right now, Kristin enjoyed rocking out to one of the tunes on her Whitney Houston mixtape, played on the Walkman she brought with her, hence all the squeaking from her Converse. She danced all the way to the console room, but she stopped once she got there and received a bit of a shock. Her new fiancée stood as still as a mannequin near the TARDIS console, not even looking at the damned thing.

            Removing her headphones, she griped, "Jesus, babe! You scared the shit outta me!" Steven didn't respond, which only worried her more

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Removing her headphones, she griped, "Jesus, babe! You scared the shit outta me!" Steven didn't respond, which only worried her more. "Babe? You O.K.?" She slowly and carefully approached him, walking in his line of sight. There was a cold intensity in his bright blue eyes, one of his dignifying features that she loved so much about him; only right now, she didn't so much as like how they registered. "O.K., now you're really scaring me, Steve! Snap out of it!"

She delivered a swift, hard slap across his face.

"OW!" he yelped, appearing to finally be out of his trance. He looked directly at Kristin, surprised and a bit peeved. "What was that for?!"

"You were zonked out," Kristin excused her actions.

"Zonked out?" Steven repeated, still getting used to her Earth jargons.

"Like you were hypnotized," she clarified.

"Oh," he understood, rubbing the side of her face where she slapped him. "Maybe I was. I don't even recall putting in new coordinates for our next destination." He indicated the console itself.

Kristin did feel that they were moving. She smiled and said, "Cool. Where are we headed next?"

Steven shrugged. "No idea. But we'll find out real soon."



One of Skeeta's fists went through one of Discovery's wall console panels as if it were made of cardboard and plastic. There was no damage to his hand – a testament of his remarkable strength, as well as his unyielding fury. "I can't believe I was suckered by a machine!" he howled. "A machine that stole my TARDIS!!!"

The Tinkerer Chronicles: The Three TinkerersWhere stories live. Discover now