S2: The Show

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The day was very nice with clear skies and no sign of rain, Mother's Day couldn't have been on a more perfect day than today. Bradley woke the girls up early and they excitedly helped him make breakfast for Charlie. "Happy Mother's Day!" The three said as they entered the parents bedroom. Charlie smiled and at up in bed half awake, suddenly Bia, who was holding Charlie's breakfast, tripped over a pillow that was lying on the floor and set the breakfast flying! "Oh, goodness!" Charlie yelped out in surprise. Bia stood up embarrassed and ran out of the room, Blaire ran after her. "Bia, come back!" Charlie felt bad for Bia and looked to Bradley, he shrugged embarrassed. I was afraid that something would happen." Charlie got out of bed and walked over to the girl's bedroom across the hall.

Bia was sitting inside of the toy closet and covered her head upset. "Bia are you okay?" Charlie asked getting on her knees and stroking through Bia's blonde hair. "She's upset because sheathings she ruined you day." Blaire explained for Bia, Charlie smiled compassionately at her youngest daughter. "It'll take more than that to ruin my day, Bia, it's okay." "I ruin everything..." Bia said sniffling, Charlie tucked Bia's hair behind her ear and moved her face to see her. "These things happen, honey. But you can't predict everything..." Charlie looked away for a moment then had an idea. "I'll tell you what I do when I feel defeated. Blaire, checklist please." Blaire nodded and mimed holding a notebook and pencil. "Okay, go!" Charlie pretended to cry. "I have a little cry," "Check!" Blaire called out, Charlie smiled as she stood up. "Then I pick myself up," "Check!" "Dust myself off," She brushed her pajama shirt and leggings. "Check!" "And then I keep on going, because the show must go on!" Charlie said grinning and pumping a fist in the air, Blaire gasped and looked to Bia with an idea in mind. she then ran off to grab something, Bia looked to her mom still upset. "The only one of those I know how to do is the crying one." Charlie thumbed Bia's chin sweetly. "Then just do that one for now until you feel ready." Blaire ran back with a toy hockey stick and announced, "Bia, lets put on a show!" Bia's expression brightened and she smiled excitedly. "Okay!"

This story of The Hillers is called "The Show" - based on the Blue episode "The Show" (all rights reserved to Disney)

After everyone got ready for the day, Bia had colored two pamphlets out for her and Blaire's show and handed them to their parents, including a makeshift pair of opera glasses. "Is this for me?" Bradley asked, Bia grabbed both her parents hands and guided them to their bedroom. "This one is, but this one and the show is for Mum!" "Oh." Charlie snickered as Bia guided them to their room and gestured to their bed. "Please take your seats, the show is about to start!" Bia giggled as she ran off to the balcony with Blaire to get ready. Charlie smiled as she looked at the pamphlet. "Oh, it's so nice to go to the theater." "Oh yes, I've heard very good things about this production." Bradley pulled out the opera glasses and looked at his own pamphlet, Charlie rolled her eyes and smiled at her comedic husband. Blaire appeared from the side of the balcony. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show!" Bia ran out towards the other side of the balcony in a laughing fit, Blaire giggled at her and then pulled Bia to the left side where their props where. "Bia, quick! This way!" Charlie and Bradley applauded, excited for their daughter's show. Blaire turned out the light in their parents deb room and then turned to Bia and passed her the hockey stick. "Bia, you're gonna play Mum since you look the most like her, and I'll be Dad later! Okay?" Bia giggled excitedly as Blaire pulled Bia's hair in a loose ponytail, she tucked Bia's curly hair into the collar of her shirt to make it look like Charlie's short bob hairstyle. "I promise I'll do my very best not to ruin it Blaire!" Blaire smiled at Bia. "Right, just do your best Bia. Now go!"

Bia ran to the center of the balcony and hummed as she pretended to walk along. Charlie gasped gushing at Bia's costume. "It's me!" She whispered excitedly to Bradley. Blaire peeked her head out and narrated the show. "One day, oh wait on! What's your not-Mum name?" Charlie chuckled and whispered her grownup name to Blaire. "Charlotte!" Blaire smiled and continued. "Right, one day, Charlotte was walking along, and uh... this was before she was a mum. In the olden days!" Bradley cracked up and laughed a wheeze, Charlie was not amused by her husband's humor. Bia had a toy hockey stick and took a few swings at it. "Charlotte loved playing hockey, and, uh..." "Dancing." Charlie said to help. "Oh yes! And dancing!" Blaire pressed play on a radio she had set up nearby and Bia used the hockey stick and danced with it, Charlie smiled. "Huh, I'm a good dancer!" "But..." Blaire turned the music to sad violins confusing Bia and Charlie. "She was very lonely!" "No I wasn't!" Bia said hands on her hips. "Yeah, no I wasn't!" Charlie agreed with her younger self. "Yes you were. So then, she... where did you meet Dad?" Charlie smirked. "Well, there's some dispute," Bradley looked unamused and shook his head. "but lets just say at a party, in London." The girls shared an excited look with stars in their eyes.

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