S3: Bedroom

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As the day was nearing its end, the Hiller family were all packed into one room of the house cleaning it out. It had been the girl's old nursery when they were babies and it was packed full of baby stuff. Bia and Blaire worked on stuffing boxes and Bradley took them out two at a time. Charlie put a few stuffed bears into a box that she sat on top of another box and called Bradley over. "These two can go." Bradley smiled and picked up the two boxes. "Yes, boss." Charlie smirked as her husband exited the room. "Thanks babe!" Looking at all the baby things that were still out, Charlie started to tear up, especially when she went over to the cot that was still out. Blaire and Bia saw their mom crying and stood beside her. "Are you okay, Mum?" Blaire asked. "Yeah, why are you crying?" Bia asked a little too curiously. Charlie brushed her tear away, her voice broke a little as she spoke. "Oh, it's just this room sweetheart, I'm okay." Blaire looked confused at the room and her mom. "How can a room make you cry?" "Well, I guess its not the room, but who's been in it." Blaire nodded understanding, Bia was still a little confused, they were in the room right now. "This was your first bed!" Charlie smiled lovingly and pointed to the cot. "Yeah, and then I moved into my room!" "And then it was Bia's first bed." Blaire hugged her sister close and smiled back at Charlie. "And then she moved into my room!" Charlie looked at the cot sadly and began to tear up again. "And now it's no ones..." Blaire didn't fully know what her mom was implying, but she knew something upset her. Blaire took her mom's hand and smiled sweetly, a moment later Bradley entered the room for the next thing to go down. "Alright, so are we dumping the cot?" Charlie whined and moaned sadly, making the girls and Bradley feel bad about whatever was in the room that was making her cry. Bradley inhaled deeply and gathered Blaire and Bia and guided them out of the room. "How about we give Mum a few minutes. Come on, girls!"

Bradley escorted the girls out of the room and closed the door. While the girls played in their room adjacent from the old nursery Bradley stayed near the door in case Charlie needed something. As expected, a few minutes later Charlie pulled Bradley back into the room, sat down in the chair and sighed sadly. Bradley looked to his wife sadly, he knew what was wrong but was worried of upsetting Charlie even more. "Hey, I know its hard, I really do! Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?" Charlie sighed again and looked around the room with tears in her eyes. "Not really... it's just hard to get rid of it all." Bradley looked down knowing. "Right." Bradley looked and noticed a few books inside of a box that was going to be put in the garage. Walking over to it, Bradley pulled out the books and sat them in Charlie's lap. She stared and gushed at the books. "Blaire and Bia's baby books..." Charlie smiled as she scanned the first few pages of two books. Charlie got to the third baby book but didn't open it. "They're always with you, Charlie. So are Blaire and Bia... and me." Charlie closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, a few tears fell onto the third book in her hands. Bradley swiped a tear forming in his eye. Charlie gathered the books and handed them to Bradley with a loving teary smile. "Can you take these to our room? I'll only be another minute." Bradley smiled at his wife and took the books from her and started out the door, but closing it behind him. "Dad! Is Mum still in the nursery?" Bia asked as Bradley quickly held the books close to himself so she couldn't see. "Yeah, just give her another minute. She'll be out soon." "Okay!" Bia said nothing about the book and giggled excitedly as she reentered her and Blaire's bedroom. Bradley sighed thankful that Bia hadn't asked, he wasn't sure what he might say. With that thought, he ran to his and Charlie's bedroom and put the books on a high shelf where the girls wouldn't see them or find them. He made his way back to the nursery and gathered up the rest of the boxes to put up.

Blaire and Bia chatted and whispered an idea they had wanted to talk to Charlie about when she came out of the room. Finally she did and started down he hall, Bia and Blaire followed her and stopped her. "Hey Mum, what's this new room going to be for?" "It'll just be a spare room." Blaire stood on her toes excitedly. "Could it be my new room?" Charlie was taken aback. "What? Really? You two wanna switch bedrooms?" Blaire shook her head no and explained. "No no, just me and then Bia can stay in this room!" Bia smiled excitedly, they had both agreed already who would go where if their mom said yes. "Then we'll each have our own rooms!" Charlie thought that it was a very quick transition from what had just happened, but smiled and said yes. "Well, okay then. As long as you're sure." The girls squealed excitedly, Bradley left the nursery empty handed and smiled as he began to walk away. "There, all done." "Hey Brad, can you move Blaire's bed in here please?" Bradley was shocked at how quickly Charlie's mood had changed. "What? Ah man..." Bradley went into the girls room and started pulling Blaire's bed into the new room.

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