S3: Unicorn

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After a few minutes of putting Bia and Blaire to bed, Charlie came down the stairs groggily. "Okay, she's asleep!" She climbed over the back of the couch and plopped herself on the long part of the couch while Bradley read a book. "What do you want to watch tonight, babe?" Bradley asked his tired wife, suddenly Blaire spoke up from he top of the stairs. "You guys watch TV while we're asleep?" "Blaire! Not again... Come on, back to bed!" Charlie groaned a little annoyed and tired at Blaire. "But I don't want to go back to bed!" Blaire whined, Bradley spoke up for Charlie. "Too bad kid." Blaire was full of questions. "But why do we have sleep? Why can't we just stay awake the whole night?" "Because that's the way the world is, B." Blaire was determined not to go back to sleep. 'Well, I'm going to make it so that's not how the world is." "That might be tricky, people like to sleep." "Well, I'll take everyone's bed to the dump!" "Eh...They'll probably just sleep on the couch." "Well, I'll take the couches to the dump, too!" This is where Bradley almost got smart enough to get Blaire back to bed. "Woah, Sounds like a big job. You'll need a full-night sleep for that." Charlie smiled as she listened, Blaire smiled forgetting for a moment that she didn't want to go back to sleep. "Yeah, I will. Night!" She turned to go back to her and Bia's room, then realized what her dad had just done. "Hey, wait! NO!" Charlie gave in and groaned as she sat up on the couch. "Come on, I'll read you a story." Charlie sighed and tried to wake herself up a little to read, Bradley looked to her knowingly. 

"You know she can't help it." "I know... can you help me?" She asked, Bradley smiled and walked away. "Oh yeah, I've got an idea!" Charlie smiled thankfully for a moment then had a thought and called out, "Wait, is it a bad idea?" Blaire came up beside Charlie and looked to her apologetically. "Mum, are you grumpy with me?" Charlie sighed and smiled as she pulled Blaire in to read to her. "No, honey, I'm okay. Come on now." Charlie opened a book she had grabbed, opened it to the first page and began to read to Blaire. "Once upon a time, there was a village." Blaire interrupted just to be sure. "Are you sure you're not grumpy?" "No. I just want you to go to sleep." Charlie assured her, then resumed her reading. "And in the village-" Suddenly a unicorn puppet appeared from behind the couch! "AY-HAY!" He got in Charlie and Blaire's faces, Blaire smiled and laughed at who it was. "Unicorn!" Charlie groaned, praying it would go away. "Oh, no... Please not Unicorn..." 

This story of The Hillers unfortunately is called "Unicorn" - based on the Bluey episode "Unicorse" (all rights reserved to Disney)

Unicorn moved to between Charlie and Blaire and tried to see the book. "Budge up, Budge up! Watch the horn! What are we reading?" Charlie was about to explain what the book was, but Unicorn interrupted again. "YAWN!!! Here, read this!" Unicorn pulled out a book about a unicorn and threw it on top of the book Charlie was reading already. "It's got a unicorn in it !!!" He said happily. "I'm not reading that." Charlie said sternly, Unicorn took the book back and tried to read it himself. "Fine, I'll read it!" He said then tried to read the book he wanted, only to realize he was illiterate. "Ons - up - on - a - tim... Oh-I wish I could READ!!!" He groaned and yelled out, Blaire laughed heartily at Unicorn. "Unicorn, Blaire is finding it a little hard to get to sleep, so we're actually trying to calm things down a bit." "Well that's gonna be heard with me around! YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Unicorn was swinging all around being very loud, Charlie grabbed one of his arms and stopped him and shushed him annoyedly. "Bia is asleep!" She whispered harshly. "I don't CAAARRREEE!!!' Charlie then pushed Unicorn and stared sternly at the puppet. "Well I do! So how about you, AND your little mate..." Charlie looked back behind the couch at Bradley who smirked apologetically and held in a chuckle. "Both jog on?" Unicorn crossed his arms and looked away from Charlie. "I ain't going nowhere toots!" Blaire giggled quietly. "My name is Charlie!" Charlie said through gritted teeth. "Oh I'm sorry Marley!" Unicorn said. "CHAR-LIE!" Charlie almost yelled. "Barley, yeah, thats what I said." Charlie stood up and practically growled at Unicorn! "OUT NOW!!!" Unicorn yelped and went down behind the couch, Blaire stopped Charlie. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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