Chapter 24..

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Tae's POV

Last night really freaked me out about how Mr Cheng came by my dorm to give me my phone back. Why would he drive all the way from his house and deliver this in person?

I got ready for class and made a smoothie for myself and Dan as well. He was already outside ,I get to the car and some students were looking at me and this guy who is opening the door for me as I get in and he close the door ,go around and gets in and I hand him the smoothie and he taste it and gives me the thumbs up and we go to school.

Tae:" Don't take this the wrong way,but please don't open the door for me,I can do it myself okay?

Dan:" I get paid to follow orders,I have to do what's expected from me. I like opening the door for you

Tae:"What if I talk to him? The students are already looking at me in a weird way.

Dan:" Jungkook is very particular about you,he gave strict orders. Anyway how did you sleep?

Tae:" I honestly don't know how but I did,I didn't expect him to show up and he probably thought you were my boyfriend.

Dan:" I don't think he'll ever bother you again,

Tae:" Do you wanna have dinner with me tonight? Only if you're free

Dan:" wouldn't that put me in trouble?

Tae:" Please otherwise someone will be eating alone,( I make a pouty face)

Dan:" Ah stop Olay but I have to let him know okay?

Tae:" Sure,thanks and see you later.

I get off and wave bye and I am met at the gate by sassy looking Jimin and frowny Seo-joon. I greet them both and we started walking to our classes but before we get in I remember to tell the what Mr Cheng did.

Tae:" So I got my  phone back

Seo-joon:" Oh,okay

Jimin:" I know you texted me last night and this morning

Tae:" Aren't you curious as to how I got it back because remember I went home without it because we couldn't find Mr Cheng.

Seo-joon:" No fucking way,are you saying what I think you're say?

Tae:" yes I am,he came by last night and handed it to me being all creepy argh.

Jimin:" What hiw did he know where your dorm is?

Tae:" He said that he asked the students, he was looking at me funny and kept looking inside behind me

Seo-joon:" But he didn't go in right?

Jimin:" I am going to give him a piece of my fucking mind

Tae:" He didn't come have a chance to come in or do anything because I was with Dan,Jungkook's friend and driver. I was literally on the phone with Jungkook when he stopped by

Seo-joon:" Oh so thats who that is? But are you okay?

Tae:" Nothing happened, I don't want anything taken out of context. I was just weirded out that's all

Jimin:" You have to be careful and please always lock the door.

We get in the class and Mr Cheng still isn't here so we just sit and chill,I send Jungkook a sweet message and he sends me one right back. I miss him already

Mr Cheng comes walking in and looks super furious and is just snapping at everyone, asking questions about a chapter that we haven't even done yet and gives us a lecture on how we should pre read everything

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