Chapter 42...

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Tae's POV

Today is going to be a really food day,I just have a great feeling about it. Jungkook told me what I've been waiting to hear from him last night.  He told me that he loves me,it was a very emotional moment and it felt so good,not because he was balls deep in me but because he said it with tears in his eyes.

He woke me up with kisses this . I got ready for school whilst he made breakfast for me and Jimin. Suga wasn't in the mood to eat. Jungkook dropped us off today,

Jk:" I am looking forward to our date later

Tae:" Hmm,you better dress up for me, baby. I love you ,bye

Jk:" Bye baby,I love you.


Jimin:" (squealing) wow,you two are the cutest. When did this happen?

Tae:" He told me last night,I guess I was worried for no reason. He told me that he couldn't stop thinking about me and we had the best night ever

Jimin:" Well,see. For the first time, your intuition is wrong.

Tae:" Maybe ,anyway, let's get to class.



After dropping Jimin and Tae off at campus,I made a call to my manager and also to Suga and Jhope to meet at my house.

Even though I had the best night,last night.I still couldn't help the threats made by Seokjin. He is back in my life and thinks he can make demands and threaten me.

I was fuming with anger,I just wanted to break shit. Maybe I should've just let Tae throw his shit in the swimming pool. If he thinks I am going to keep quiet and let him push me around, then he's messing with the wrong Jungkook .

They arrived minutes later, and it seems like Suga has already filled my manager in on what's going.

Jk:" What do you think I should do? He can't just come back five years later and demand rights on Bam ,can he?

Mngr:" Well,legally, he is also the owner. He hasn't filed anything legal yet, so maybe ask your parents to bring Bam here

Jk:" No,that's not going to happen. I am not going to play into his little games.

Jhope:" He also said that he wanted to be taken out and be asked to come to your house as well .

Suga:" Or he's going to tell about the accident. Even though we paid him handsomely, he stole from Jungkook and fled the country.

Mngr:" He has the media swamp around him,his loose lips could cost you more if you don't obey.  Just take him out.  Or even better invite him over here, and you will be in charge of the outcome . You can kick him out whenever you want.

Suga:" Juat be smart about this,if the media gets ahold of the accident story,they can twist the narrative to fit them and can make fans turn against you.

Jk:" Where does Tae fit in all of this? He might get the wrong idea. I just finally manned up and told him that I loved him

Suga:" Even if you do tell Tae the truth about why Soekjin is doing all this ,you have to really tell him all the details and tryst me,he won't stick around.

Jhope:" He's here for just a week, right? We can pull this off. Invite him when Tae is at school and make sure he leaves before Tae comes here.

Jk:" It still feels like I am cheating on him. I don't want to lose Tae under any circumstances.  I will go fucking crazy.

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