chapter 133...

236 15 23

JK's POV..

I think Bryce is really starting to let his guard down with me because he must really like me or has fantasies about who he thinks I am.

Everyone loves their favorite idol,they love the songs,the performances, and interactions we have with them. People often tend to forget that we are also just working . It's all just work,and we put hours and hours of sleepless nights into it,recording, practicing dance moves,wondering whether the work will be received well.

I have also been smiling a lot towards him,I act all the time in my music videos, and thanks to my baby and his role-playing, I am good at keeping a poker face.

Bryce has gotten so comfortable next to me that he doesn't even notice that I have been extracting important information from him. I would make up little lies about myself ,that he thinks KS no one else knows about and asked him little things as well.

I allowed him in my bed to play video games with me. If Tae saw this, he'd really have my ball cut off,deep fried, and feed to me. I miss him so much that I would give anything to look into his eyes and hold him close to my chest,and apologize for making him wait so long.

It's been quiet even after I sent him the message, but I know he received the message loud and clear. I know he's the only one who will get that. I also knew that he wouldn't just call the number back because people underestimated how smart Tae was.

Bryce has removed his mask when we are alone and only puts it back on when he knows his brother is coming downstairs . He doesn't know that he has revealed his brother's workplace,his age, and their doctor friends name as well.

Bryce:" Hey,uhm, for lunch,instead of ramyeon,what about if I make you steak ? I've been watching your ex-boyfriend's YouTube channel, and you cooked steak .Should I make it for us?

Did this delusional boy just call the love of my life,my ex? I should just punch him with this left hook.

Jk:" That will mean so much to me,thank you. Why are you watching his videos?

Bryce:" I just want to study him. If you need me to be like him, I will ,I will study his mannerisms and gestures and be like him.

Jk:" You don't have to do all that. Just be yourself, I like you just the way you are.

Bryce:" I've loved you for so long,I have a lot of your pictures, your merchandise, and albums all up in my room. It's a Jungkook sanctuary. It's my safe place.

Jk:" I'd really like to see it one day. I am really curious

Bryce:" Brian said you aren't allowed upstairs,

Jk:" He doesn't have to know,it will stay between us, but only when you are comfortable, okay?

Bryce:" Don't smile like that. It's beautiful. I will take a mini video on my phone and show it to you

Jk:" Don't skip any parts,I wanna see it all

If clueless was a person,it would be Bryce.  If he gives me his phone with the video, all I have to do is send it over to Taehyung. 

Bryce:" I never asked what you were doing here. Did you have a show lined up?

Jk:" No,just came to record new music,three songs to be exact.

Bryce:" Oh really? How exciting. What are the songs about?

Jk:" Love,I think the fans love hearing songs about declaring love.

Bryce:" Were they for him?

Jk:" I won't lie to you,so yes.

Bryce:" Do you still feel that way about him?

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