stuck with you

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A/N: requested by @vertebraespa 🫰

P.S. 4k words guys, brace yourselves

Minjeong was so ready to relax.

Yes, she adored her best friend, but when it came to weddings, Yizhuo was an absolute monster. She was marrying her longtime girlfriend, Uchinaga Aeri, who also happened to own some massive company Minjeong managed to get an earful about every time she and Yizhuo get within a foot of each other. Yizhuo and Aeri were the perfect match: Yizhuo was loud, loyal, and a stress head; Aeri was calm, sharp, and intellectual. However, Aeri was also probably the most doting fiancee in the history of hopelessly gay company owners, and Yizhuo loved that (because aside from being loud and loyal, she was also a sucker for being pampered).

Which meant that Aeri had gone all out for their wedding, including renting a stay in a hotel that would have broken Minjeong's measly bank account. She and Aeri were reasonably good friends, so Aeri had bought Minjeong and a few of the couple's other friends hotel stays as well.

Weddings were exhausting, Minjeong decided, shaking her bobbed red hair as she walked towards the room marked on her key card and the one the receptionist had told her to go to. She removed the plastic rectangle from its monogrammed sleeve (again, Aeri had spared no expense) and slid it through the black card reader on the door. The reader read 1023 in tiny golden letters.

Minjeong's room number.

Or so she thought- which resulted in her complete and utter shock when she pushed open the door and nearly got impaled with a fork.

Minjeong stood there, mouth hanging open, looking straight into the eyes of a girl with long dark hair, arm still extended from the throw. The shock buzzed right through her, causing her arms to tingle and her eyes to widen. "What the fuck was that for? You nearly killed me!"

"What are you doing in my room?" the girl exclaimed, standing up and crossing her arms. She had black hair, framing her small face and catlike eyes perfectly. Maybe it was the confusion and stress of the day, but Minjeong was pissed, and so she crossed her arms in response, dropping her bags to snap out an angry reply.

"YOUR room? This is my room!" Minjeong fired back, stepping forward, gesturing at the (very expensive-looking) hotel room. It had conical nightlights, a neatly made bed, tastefully abstract art on the walls, and a gorgeous view of the night life below.

"I was here first! Clearly this is my room!" the girl answered. She was clearly frustrated, which was obvious in the frantic brandishing of her phone and the irritated look in her eyes. Her things were already laid out next to the bed, and the suitcase was open, displaying nice clothes and expensive-looking toiletries perched on the nightstand.

"Explain my key card then!" Minjeong yelled, brandishing the rectangle square at the girl in front of her. "It unlocked the door, and the receptionist gave it to me. So unless this is some sort of sick joke, then this is my room!"

"Mine unlocked the door too, and the receptionist gave me mine, so clearly this is my room," the girl retorted peevishly, re-crossing her arms and pinning Minjeong with a pouty glare. "And besides, who would play a joke on you? Or me, for that matter?"

Minjeong blinked, her eyebrows furrowing. That sounded like a veiled insult- "play a joke on you?"- but also, who did this girl think she was? "I'm sorry, who are you again?"

The girl's jaw dropped. "You mean you don't know who I am?"

Minjeong shook her head slowly. This girl's behavior had been getting weirder and weirder. "Um... no, should I?"

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