Stop Stalling, Make a Name For Yourself

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I'm back at my apartment and sitting in front of my laptop blankly. I know what I need to create I just can't force myself to do it. I have 48 hours. I grab my face and massage my temples, knowing exactly why an artists block has struck at such a terrible time.

I glance at my phone. No text message, no phone call. I go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water to try to distract myself but as soon as I'm back at my desk I go right back to staring at my phone. There has to be a way to not think about it for at least a half hour. I grab it, double check for a missed call or text, and go to the restroom and place it in the drawer. There. Problem solved.

I go back to my desk and open Illustrator and grab my wacom tablet. Finally. I scan the sketches that I made this morning and begin tracing my earlier drawing. This is good. Good job, Asteria. Now you can finally be-

My thoughts are cut off at the sound of my phone ringing and I practically jump off of my chair as I race toward the restroom. I look and it's my mother. I grimace and ignore the call, placing it back in the drawer. What does she want, can't she see that I'm working hard and making something of myself? After she was the one who kept telling me I couldn't?

I'm back at my desk and I begin to add color, happy that my drawing is coming to life. My phone rings again and I rush over. This time it's Davey.

"What? Aren't you tired of me? You hung out with me all afternoon!" I grumble.

"Oh, artist's block I see," he laughs. He's used to me by now. "Your mom keeps calling me?"

"That's what you're bothering me for?"

"She asked if were dating yet."

"Oh God, I'm gonna vomit."

"Right? I told her you were seeing someone."

"Davey! Why would you say that?"

"Because it's true!"

"No it's not!"

"So he hasn't called? He doesn't wanna seem desperate. He's being careful to make sure he wins over the goddess."

"Ugh, was there a point to this call?"

"Yeah. Movie night tomorrow? I bought fireball and angry orchard!" Davey sings into the phone. My eyebrows raise at the sound. I mean if I get this done tonight then why not have a movie night tomorrow right? A girl could use a couple of sweet drinks from time to time.

"Fine I'll bring food. Burgers? Pizza? Tacos?"

"Lasagna. Costco. We'll cook it here."

"Done. Can I get back to work now?" I whine.

"Yeah, sure let's pretend you were working," he says with a laugh. "Love you, munchkin."

"Love you ass whipe." I hang up the phone, sigh, and decide to finish up what I'm working on. No, I decide to finish up Panic! At The Disco's new single art and I still can't fucking believe it.

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