Chapter 7

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All we did was stare into each other's eyes for what felt like hours but was only a few seconds. His head was slowly inching it's way closer to mine. I could feel my nerves starting to act up and my hands where getting sweaty. I never felt nerous with guys but with him I was a puddle of puddy in his hands. Before I could understand what was really happening his lips where locked with mine.

Sparks flew instantly through out my body and my hands found there way up to his neck bringing him closer to me. All I wanted was more. My whole body ached for him but at the same time my heart wanted other wise. Once we broke the heat and sparks instantly left as if they where never there. I wanted more of his touch.

"That was..." I whisper softly.

"Amazing?" he guesses looking at me with a worried expression.

Nodding my head I breathe out, "Yeah."

That made him light up like a light bulb and picked me up as if I was as light as a feather. While spinning me around making me laugh. Once he set me down my hair hand been blown out of my face from the wind I looked up at him and smiled.

"You know that this is the first time I've ever felt...alive," he whispers softly.


"Yeah, I've never felt so happy and care free in my life," he tells me while brushing a strand and putting it behind my ear. While at the same time caressing my cheek in his large warm hand. I slowly wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"For what?"

I sigh and snuggle into his chest breathing in his beautiful scent, "For everything,"

He chuckles at my reponse that's when my phone goes off bringing us both out of the moment. I walk over and pick up my phone and unlock it.

Paul's P.O.V

I watch as she answers her phone, her long brown hair now had a wind blown look. Her eyes sparkled slightly with a new light that I had never seen before. I felt happy that she was my imprint, she was perfect in every single way.

I don't know what I would do without her. I mean...she's my whole world.

And that kiss. Her lips where so soft and sweet, they tasted like cherrys from her lip gloss. While her vanilla scent just made my nose go crazy, everything about her made my whole body just throws a small party. Ella's body molded perfectly against mine, we where made for each other this is how it was supposed to be.

"Hey Paul," her beautiful voice called for me snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I gotta run sorry Drew and Taylor need me back at the house," she apoligizes.

"It's okay, I'll call you or something," I smile at her.

"Alright see you around," she smiles and walks away.

Ella's P.O.V

I knew I had one of those stupid 'I'm in love' smiles on mace cause when I got home Taylor kept giving me this look. While Drew just rolled his eyes with a small smile forming on his own lips.

Sitting down at the dinner table we start to talk about the Vultori.

"I think we should stay," Taylor annouces unexpectedly, make Drew and I look up surprised.

"What?" Drew questions.

Taking a deep breath Taylor continues, "We've been on the run long enough they'll find us one way or another. Why not stand up to them now?"

"I guess you have a point..." I trail off.

"Look we're stronger than them, we were here way before them. It's time to take back what is rightfully ares,"

I nod knowing exactly  what she was talking about, the throne not the Vultori's but ares. Now that are population is so low we need to make it grow again.

"Any ways there's a new law that most teenage girls that are I don't know 'special' must have children at a young age.," Taylor starts.

"That's why so many young girls have gotten pregnant," Drew concludes.

"Well at first it was just us but then the humans where being careless and it's now what it is today. But that's not the point. The point is if the government knows that Ella hasn't gotten pregnant yet they're going to force her too,"

"WHAT?!?!" I shout anger filling up my body.

"Yes they'll partner you up with what they feel is your 'perfect match' you two will have a quick wedding and bam! You'll have a baby and grow the population again,"

"So they're just using us girls," I snap.

"Yes Ella, I know which is why I feel like we need to stand up to them now. So that we can stop having young girls get pregnant and stop you from getting pregnant," she explains.

Bitting my lip I play with the chicken on my plate, "Alright so we stay,"

"I guess so it seems as if we have no choice out of it," Drew mumbles while taking a small bite of potatoes.

"I'm sorry I had to bring such bad news on dinner you two," Taylor apoligizes.

"No it's fine, Taylor. Really, it's nice to know what's going on. Most people wouldn't tell us." I tell her quickly. Drew nods.

"Ella's right we need to know this, it's the only way to stop the Vultori and Victoria,"

"Alright well I guess I'll start cleaning up," she tells us while grabbing are plates and scurrying off to the kitchen.

"Whelp I'm not in a good mood now," I grumble.

"Same," Drew agrees.

But Taylor was right, the only way to stop from me getting pregnant is by defeating the Vultori now. If only it was just a bit easier than that.

AN: Hey guys! Short chapter I know! But it's really important! Anyways enjoy! Fan, Vote, Comment! I'm sorry but this note is kinda rushed I'm leaving to dinner in a few minutes! XD Sorry again. Love you guys! Bye

Mia <3

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