Chapter 10

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I could feel the sweat buliding up on my forehead. To say I was nervous would be a lie. I at the moment am about to jave a nervous break down. As in going to a corner and just cry and hang with my new friends Ben and Jerry. They've always have treated me well. But then again it is ice cream...and it does give you calories which leads to being fat. "Oh my gosh I'm going to be one of those old hags with 80 cats and no life!"

"Um Ella you okay?" I hear a voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ha. Yea couldn't be any better," I tell Emmett with a fake smile.

" Really cause you just yelled out of no where you're basically gonna be forever alone..." he mumbles with a small chuckle.

" mean I just said that out loud?"

"Mhm," he replies as we take a seat at the lunch table. I sigh and slam my head against the lunch table while mumbling stupid over and over.

"Don't give yourself to much of a hard time I mean we only heard," Alice tells me gently patting my hair.

I glance around and see the whole school staring at us, "And by we you mean them too?"


I groan and lay there for a while off in lala land when I feel a tug on my arm. I look up to be met by a pair of big chocolate colored eyes.

"Hey Paul," I smile softly.

"Hey Ella," he chuckles lightly.

"Whats up?" I question sitting up. He looked sort of nervous but covered it up in a flash.

"I was wondering if you um would liketogooutwithme," he said quickly.

I give him a blank look, "Huh?"

Taking a deep breath he says slower, "Will you go out with me?"

My eyes slowly widen. Holy shit...Oh my gosh. I may not have to live 80 cats after all!

"Um ah Ella?"

"Wha?" I reply stupidly.


"Oh yea I would love to!" I smile brightly.

"Really?!" he questions me shocked. I nod my head. "I'll pick you up at 7,"

"Mkay," I smile and wave as he walks away.

"Awwwwww Miss Ella has a DATE!!!! Okay so I'm doing your hair and nails..and picking out your dress!" Alice rambles as she takes out a magazine and starts to look through it circling things like a mad woman.

"How can you agree to go out with a dog?" Emmett grumbles under his breath. I smack the back of his head. Making a thump sound.

"He's not a dog Em, gosh stop being so rude," I scold while getting up. As I walk away I hear Jacob say under his breath "She is his imprint..."

My eyebrows twist in confusion but I just shrug it off and continue through the halls. The rest of the day was boring. I'm not going to drag out my day I'm not that much of a bitch. Or am I? By the time I finished homework it was 5 so I in a quick shower.

As I was slowly leaving my bathroom I hear a shuffling sound in my closet and clothes were thrown every where.

"What the...?"

"Ah! That's where you are!" Alice smile triumphantly.

"OH MY GOSH ALICE!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"What?" she says innocently as she shoves a blue dress into my hands while pushing me into the bathroom. "Now change I have a lot of work to do!"

Let's just say worst experience of my life...There was a lot of "ow" and cursing by me I mean who else? And a lot of "Hold stills" but some how Alice finished my look.

"Finally!" I grumble getting up from my vanity and looking at myself in the full length mirror. "Wow,"

I start to touch a curl when I feel something hit my hand away. "Don't touch!" Alice hisses as she adds hairspray. "Now put on perfume!"

I spray some on and put on my black pumps when the door bell rings. I grab my clutch and phone and run down as fast as I can in these damn heels. I pull open the door to see Paul and smile softly.


"You look beautiful Ella..." he says breathlessly.

"Thanks," I whisper looking at the floor. Hello floor how are you?

"So shall we go?" he asks grabbing my small hand in his large one. I nod and shut the door but as I do I hear, "Use protection damn it! Don't need any little Ellas or Pauls!"

A/N: So first off sorry for not updating in a long time but school has been a real bitch. Like I can't wait for summer. Secondly I typed this all on my phone so sorry for any spelling errors or the chapters not being long cause I don't have a clue on how long they are. Thank you guys for commenting and voting it let me know that you're still there for me so thank you! Thanks to any of my new followers for following and the readers who stick around. The one shot competion didn't work out no one set anything into my email but I dont know about donating a chapter I haven't been on my computer for a while. Well I'm done with my note now. If you read all the way down to here I give you an applause! :D I LOVE YOU ALL SO FLIPPIN MUCH! VIRTUAL HUGS FOR ALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vote, comment and follow like usual and I'll see you next time! ;)

Mia ♡♥

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2013 ⏰

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