Chapter 9

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I was sitting on the couch shoving a spoonful of Red Velvet ice cream into my mouth when the door bell rang. I roll my eyes and try to think who it could be. Maybe Trey I mean he probably wants food...No Trey's out with Drew checking up North for Victoria. It can't be Taylor she usually walks right in and she has keys. And plus she's at Costco getting more food since we have to boys who eat like pigs. The doorbell rings again making me roll my eyes, when I hear a voice "We know you're in there Ella,"

Great it's them...I sigh, "I'm coming!"

 I roll off the couch and walk to the door not even looking through the peep hole, already knowing who was going to be at my door. I fling open the door to be met face to face with none other then the government. Why the hell are they here?

Mr. Jackson the head wore his usual black suit with a polka dot colored tie that sat on top of the dark purple shirt underneath. His dark hair was gelled and nicely styled while his turquoise colored eyes stared into mine. 

On his right was his assistant Miss Yale who's bright blonde hair was pulled up into a high pony tail while her plain white shirt was tucked into her black pencil skirt, brown beatie  eyes where covered by a pair of large rimmed glasses that sat on top of her petite nose.

I gulp, "Come in,"

"Thank you Ella," he smiles happily at me showing off his teeth and stepping into the house. I grab my ice cream and sit on the couch across from them.

"So Ella as you know that every girl must get pregnant that is over the age of 15," he states. I nod my head as I take another bite of ice cream.

"Well I'm going to have either Miss Yale or another person from New York come down here and check up on you in a couple of months. I have a stack of young men right here that I think would make a perfect match for you! So go through them and pick the one you would like," he explains through the details. I can't help but no roll my eyes at him.

Miss Yale takes out a large folder and hands it him which he then hands to me, it was full of papers. I slowly open it to be met by a 40 year old looking man with a huge gut that stuck out like a sore thumb. While his grey hair hung in his face and beard needed to be shaved. I cringe and turn to the next page, to be met by Trey's profile.

My eye brows furrow in confusion, "Trey hasn't been matched yet?"

"We haven't been able to find him, I swear that boy is all over the damn place..." Mr. Jackson sighs shaking his head. I nod keeping the information I know to myself, I flip over again and see Drew's profile.

"Same with Drew?" I ask him softly. Mr. Jackson nods his head. I bite my lip as I look up at him, his face had a huge grin on it as he looked at me.

"Well I hope you make your decision soon so we can get the wedding plans ready and then we'll have some fertility plans get ready as well," he tells me excitedly.

I nod my head, "I'll try sir,"

"Good, good. Your a good girl Ella, you know what's right for you," he smiles giving me a wink while standing up. "Well we must be on are way, we have some other girls to go to. Until next time Ella, come Miss Yale,"

I watch as he exits the door and shuts it behind him, I get up and quickly lock it. I sit back down and reopen the folder and turn over Drew's file when I see Mr. Jackson's. Why would they put his in here? I mean isn't he married? No...his wife died a couple of months ago in an accident.

That's when I remember that wink...he's done little things like that before, holding my hand a little bit longer when we shake hands, staring at me as if he was in love, and all those times he's winked at me! Gosh I'm so stupid!

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