Chapter 4

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AN: Hey everyone! Chapter 4 has officially been rewritten there is a chance that within the rewritten work there is new content so if you've previously read this and are rereading it just know I've added or taken things out. Anyways, I hope you guys all enjoy this new updated chapter, and don't forget to vote, fan, and always comment! Happy reading!

Mia xo


The next morning came with the usual soft grey clouds and just the minimal amount of sunlight that Forks always got on a regular basis. I groan into my pillow wishing that the annoying sound of the alarm clock would just die. Yet, there was no motivation to turn it off. Part of me was still disappointed that we had gotten so close to getting Victoria, but after staying at the beach all day and Taylor running through the entirety of the area we still got nothing. I slam my hand down on the clock and I hear it fall to the floor with a deep thud, however, that annoying wail coming from the small machine finally stopped. As I reposition myself in bed I feel a hand clamp onto my shoulder and soon my whole body is being jolted back and forth. A groan escapes the back of my throat as I shut my eyes tighter together.

"Come on Ell Bell it is time to wake up!" Drew exclaims loudly. I honestly think the neighbors heard him that's how loud Drew was currently being.

"Nooo," I whine stuffing my face further into my pillow trying to roll out of his reach. While rolling away I was wrapping my body into a tight burrito of white sheets.

"Ella, we need to get going or we will be late...and I don't want to be late for my first day. Besides if you don't get up I will not make you breakfast and you'll be stuck with burnt toast," he threatens as he reaches forward and grabs the end of my burrito and starts to pull. A yelp escapes my lips as I feel myself start to tumble out of my cocoon of warmth and comfort. Soon I'm fully unwrapped and laying in bed. I sit up slowly and give Drew a sharp glare. Drew stood tall over me, a smile playing on his chiseled face, and humor was dancing in his dark blue eyes. Drew pushes his long black hair out of his face and tilts his head to the side studying me in my hermit state.  

"What are you going to make for breakfast?" I question him skeptically looking into his eyes, Drew was one of the only people I always had a hard time reading. He was fairly good at keeping me on my toes. 

"I made chocolate chip muffins because I know they're your absolute favorite. Then we have a side of scrambled eggs, of course, I used milk to make them soft and fluffy, this is to make it seem as though you are eating a cloud of eggy goodness. Then I whipped up some bacon and lastly, my world-renowned famous Drew's special cup of brew coffee," Drew says in a triumphant voice, a small smirk was playing on his lips as he starts to turn towards my door. I swiftly get up out of bed and run towards my closest. 

"See you at breakfast then!" Drew yells as he walks out of my room and down the stairs back to the kitchen. I grab the first pair of black jeans that I could find and a cute peach-colored cropped shirt and grab my other necessities as I run into the bathroom. I flip on the shower and as I wait for it to heat up strip out of my pajamas. By the time I'm naked the shower is steaming hot and I jump in, I'm swiftly met with hot pellets of water hitting my skin causing it to turn a shade of red. Ah, just how I like it. I close my eyes and relax for a moment under the water, but then I remember breakfast and in a moment's time I'm getting out of the shower, drying myself off, and ultimately end up hopping around the bathroom pulling on my clothes. I plug in my hairdryer and quickly get to work on my hair worried that I might be running out of time. Once it was getting close to being dry I plug in my hair curling wand, so that by the time my hair is actually dry my wand will be piping hot. I quickly curl my hair and throw some hair spray onto my hair I unplug all of my hot tools so that I don't get yelled at by Taylor again and sprint out of my bathroom. I run down the stairs at lightning-fast speed and start to stuff my face as quickly as I possibly can. My god, this is good...Drew laughs at me as he grabs a muffin himself and takes a bite. I take a look at the time and my eyes widen. Oh shit, we have to go! I get up and start to grab my school bag and other things while I shove the rest of my muffin into my mouth. I run out the door while grabbing my car keys and jacket, in case it rains, and run out to the car. 

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