One Shot Competition! (Ended)

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Hello Readers,

 I've decided to do a one shot competition for this story! :) You must write a date scene with Ella and Paul anything could happen through out the date like kissing etc. It can be at the beach or out in the woods or somewhere else it's totally up to you! Please don't have the government come in and crash the date or Emmett or something like Drew spots Victoria that kind of stuff. I already have a plan for both the government and Victoria so don't worry about that. Other than that go crazy do what ever your little heart desires!

I haven't set a date just yet because Chapter 10 is going to be Paul asking Ella out and Emmett and Ella bonding time. So that means the one shot would be in Chapter 11, basically you have from when I'm writing Chapter 10 which ,I'm doing right now, and then I'll tell you how long you have to submit your works afterwards. Like for example you may have a week to do it or 2 weeks. You get my point! XD

When you submit your work please dedicate it to me or email me at I'll check that everyday for your submitions.

Now finally the prize! The winner of the one shot competition, I will add your one shot to the story which will be Chapter 11. I will also dedicate the chapter to you and make a huge authors note for people to go and follow or read your stories! I would also love it if we could do a story together if the winner doesn't want to that's okay, but I'm just saying that if you want to you can. Also I'll follow you back so I can read one of your stories and help you through your time on Wattpad!

Good luck! I know you'll all do great you're all so talented! Have fun!

Mia <3

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