1. 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐠?

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As he stepped onto the treadmill at the bustling gym, the steady hum of machines filled the air around him

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As he stepped onto the treadmill at the bustling gym, the steady hum of machines filled the air around him. His muscles tensed with anticipation, ready to embrace the challenge ahead. With determined strides, he set the pace, his focused gaze fixed ahead. The rhythmic thud of his footfalls echoed in sync with the beat of his heart. He is panting heavily, and sweating. He started weight lifting afterwards, and completed his workout of the day.

He is a gym fanatic. He never missed his workout, and why not?. After his well built physique, made girls drool over him. Basically, he is the popular guy of his college, as he is rich and prince of Jaipur. He is A Future King of the Jaipur, comes from a well renowned millionaire's Royal Family. He is a walking Red Flag. A Toxic guy, and a Playboy. Afterall why not?. He had 5 casual relationships. He didn't love anyone, it's just a casual relationships, with lust.

Well, It's none other than Eshan Singh Shekhawat. His name itself, speaks Prosperity and Royalty. Every girl he dated is with him because of money and handsomeness. There's not at all a chance of loyalty, and love in his past relationships. His routine starts with Gyming, college, hangouts with friends and his girlfriend, Partying, Drinking, Smoking, Eat and Sleep.

But besides this, in studies, he is a topper of his class because of his interest in business. His grasping power and concentration power is so well. Basically, his learning ability is great, so he grasp everything practically rather than theoretically, and this leads him understanding every subject very well. Besides, he reads business book also. He is man of his word, afterall Royalty teaches him those things. Being stick to the words, doing well being of others, having a royal attitude, but he didn't show or pretend that he is rich, has power of money, or he is royal, he never show people that they're inferior to him. He sees them equally. Although he is a partying guy, who uses money here and there but he always seperate some amount to donate to trust, NGOs.

He is done with his workout and started getting ready for college, as he is having important lecture today and submission of assignments.

He is done with his workout and started getting ready for college, as he is having important lecture today and submission of assignments

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After gyming, I took a relaxing shower and got ready for college. Today is going to be very hectic day, as today is assignment submissions and Important lecture. I do hangout in college but I had never bunked classes. And if I did, I covered it up. Yes, for people, I am spoilt brat, a riched royal guy, with tons of money and they thinks that I can buy anything with money. But Do we?. No right. Because money buys things, but not happines, peace, comfort and most importantly LOVE. Well, I do have a girlfriend and past relationships but there isn't that spark, there isn't Love. All girls I had dated, is behind my money or is with me because I belong from Royal Family. For everyone I am a perfect Spoilt Guy, Example. But deep inside, I had buried my own scars, my own secrets. People thought I have money, so I don't need to study and can happily hangout, but no, the money I had is of my Parents, It's not my own money. I want to study and stand up on my own feets. Yes, I have to take over our company - Shekhawat's and Son's Co, after finishing my Master's Graduation, but I want to do it with my own ability, not because it is heritated to me but because of my own capabilities.

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