Meeting an old, but a new friend

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Summary: Earth meets the one that ran away.

Requested by: Sooz_02

(I'll be adding lore of my other AU called "Spacey Clouds" and is heavily inspired by the Broken AU on TikTok and lots of AUs :D)


Earth was just spacing out while his moon, Luna, is asleep. Nothing more. (Heh, see what I did there?)
"Ocean!" Neptune exclaimed, startling the terrestrial planet. "NEPTUNE- My galaxies, you almost gave me a core attack," Earth stated as he placed a hand on his chest. "Aren't you too far away from your orbit?" He pointed out. "Oh, no worries! It'll be fine!" Neptune replied as he was CLEARLY melting.

"Right.. So what brings you here?" The terrestrial planet asked as he looked at the Sun to make sure that they're not looking. "Well, I actually wanna introduce you to someone," The terrestrial planet then looked back at the ice giant. "Introduce me to who?" The terrestrial planet asked. "Don't worry, you'll see!" The ice giant responded. "Wait-" Neptune grabbed Earth and headed to the asteroid belt.

(Poor Luna, she just got forgotten 😔)


As the two blue planets made it out of the Asteroid belt, Earth was already shivering from the cold. 'My stars, it's cold as fuck here,' he thought to himself, 'I hope my Earthlings could handle the cold..' he then suddenly saw a planet in Neptune's orbit. "Uh.. Nep, w-who's that planet I-in y-your orbit?" He asked as his voiced shakes. "Oh, that's Iris! They're the one that I wanted to introduce you to," Neptune replied as they continue to make their way to his orbit. "Hey, Iris! Come over here and meet your new friend!" Iris looked over at the two blue planets and made their way to the two of them. "Earth, this is Iris," Neptune stated, "Iris, this is Earth."

The two planets looked at each other while the poor terrestrial planet was still shivering from the cold. "Well, he looks much more weaker than before," The Iris spoke. "E-excuse me!? I am not weak!" The Earth implied. Not even a minute and The Iris was already getting on The Earth's nerves, not surprising to be honest.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Iris glanced at the Earth for a moment. "You're just a recarination anyways.. " Earth's face then suddenly turned into a confused expression. "What?"

"Ah, nothing.. Don't worry about it," The Iris crossed their arms, having a feeling that they have never been here before.. Well, it's not much of a surprise, since they ran away a long time ago, but managed to spot Neptune wandering around in the Kuiper Belt. "So you're the one Neptune has been talking about?" Said Earth. "If he ever mentioned me as "Irie," then yes," Iris responded. "Ah, I see.." Earth then turned to Neptune, "How come you only told me about them?"

"Ehh.. Well, Irie didn't want any of the other planets to find out about them.. Especially Jupiter.." Neptune's voice turned cold and his face turned serious as he said the last part. "..Right.." The Earth then turned back to The Iris, "Well, it's a pleasure meeting you.. I guess," He spoke and still a bit salty that they called him weak. Iris said nothing, but they placed a hand on his shoulder. Earth was thinking about to bite their hand off, but he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh shit, I GOTTA GET BACK TO MY ORBIT BEFORE THE SUN NOTICES!" He panicked, "It was nice knowing you, Iris! See you!"

"Well, it was nice knowing you too... Earth," Iris spoke as The Earth rushed off to his orbit. Nostalgic suddenly comes to them as they remembered being a planet in this Solar System. It was just like home, but things changed.. Alot..

"Hey, Neptune."
"Do you even remembered what even happened when I ran away?"

Neptune tilted his head like a confused little puppy. Iris let out a sigh as they already knew the answer by looking at Neptune's expression. Iris still couldn't help but wonder.. 'What happened to This Solar System?' They had lots of questions, but for now.. It's best to keep them unanswered until it's the best time.. Well, maybe just keep them unanswered for eternity.

A/N: YIPPEE A REQUEST FINALLY DONE! This took so long like what the actually fuck-

Word count: 731 words.

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