You're a what-

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Summary: Basically Triton telling Luna and Umbriel that he's a dwarf planet.



Triton was just in the Asteroid Belt, minding his own business. He wanted to visit IO and check up on him at first, but he didn't really wanna bother him. He's honestly rarely seen interacting with anyone, but as you can see.. Socializing wasn't his thing. He'd mostly spend his time in the Kuiper Belt, babysitting the rest of Neptune's moons, or just hanging around in the Asteroid Belt.

He was mostly different from the other moons, but he just mostly describes himself as a "lone wolf" (No shit, Sherlock.) But overall, he doesn't really mind being alone, but hey, at least he made quite new friends to say the least.

He leaned back on an asteroid as he let out a relaxed sigh and enjoyed the sound of silence (Yeah, I know space doesn't have any sound, but just bare with me here.) He would also usually likes to spend his time alone, since he barely has any time alone because he's always busy babysitting the rest of Neptune's moons, but he really didn't mind acting like a big brother to them, just as long as they're happy.



He jumped back, visibly startled. It took a moment for him to realize that it was just The Earth's Moon, Luna. "I knew I would find you here! What's up?" Luna asked as she sat on the asteroid. Triton let out a sigh of annoyance and gave Luna a glare. "For the love of the stars, please stop pulling a "hELlo, I cAMe oUT oF nOWheRE aND I ShalL SCaRe yOU" move," he said, fixing his shades.

Luna scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, whatever.. Anyways, I have a question," she stated. "Well, what is it?" Triton crossed his arms over his chest.

"Can you look to your side?"

"Yeah?- Wait- Why-"

He looked to his side and fell down as he got startled. He wasn't expecting a jumpscare  from Umbriel who just randomly got there.

Luna couldn't held it in and started to burst out with laughter. "HAHAHA- OH MAN, I SHOULD'VE BROUGHT THE CAMERA. HA-" Triton let out another sigh of annoyance as he fixed his shades. "You're seriously trying to give me a core attack, aren't you?" he says with annoyance in his voice.

"Heh.. Sorry, Tri. I obviously had to teach Umbri on how to scare people by appearing out of nowhere. She's got good at it!" Luna stated proudly, "She was basically starting out by scaring her planet, then the rest of Uranus' moons, and then basically the rest of the moons." Triton let out another sigh and pressed the top of his forehead, "Alright, just.. What did you wanna ask me?"

"Oh right!" Luna hopped off the asteroid she was sitting on as Umbriel stepped right besides her. "You see.. Me and Umbriel have been wondering," she began, "Are you actually a moon?" Triton wasn't really suprised about this question, but also a bit surprised. None of the moons noticed on how VERY different he is, but he really didn't expect anyone to actually notice, on the other hand Luna and Umbriel were expecting Triton to simply answer, "Yeah, I'm a moon. Why?" and Luna would simply just say, "Oh, nothing.. Just curious,"

But on the other hand the two of them were expecting a different answer from that. Triton sighed as the two waited for his answer in anticipation..


"YOU'RE A WHAT!?" Luna gasped in shock while Umbriel just stared at him with widened eyes.

"I HAVEN'T EVEN SAID ANYTHING YET-" Triton declared. Luna and Umbriel were left dumbfounded for a moment. "Oh.." Luna spoke and immediately cleared her throat. "My bad," she apologized while Umbriel makes a circular motion on her chest with a closed hand. Triton sighed as he continued to speak and the two of them continued to wait in anticopation.

"I'm.. A dwarf planet."

*Insert disc scracth sound effect*

".. You're a what..?" Luna asked, but much more in a confused but calm tone while Umbriel just stares at him with pure confusion. "Look, all I know is that I used to be a dwarf planet and Neptune must've captured me and.. Well.. That's all," Triton explained. Luna and Umbriel looked at each other for a moment then back at Triton. "So.. What you're saying is that you used to be a Dwarf planet, then Neptune possibly captured you, and then now you're a.. Moon?.. Well, in short.. You're a double planet?" Luna added. Triton simply nodded in response.

"Wow.. To be honest, that's actually kind of cool, you know?" Luna stated. "Well, yeah.. But-" Triton sighed then shook his head. Umbriel and Luna stared at him, waiting for what he was going to say. "Nevermind. I have to go now," He says.

"Oh, well.. Alright then!" Luna exclaimed. Umbriel waved him goodbye as he left. Luna then turned to Umbriel and spoke, "Well, that was nice, wasn't it?" Umbriel smiled and nodded.


[Word count: 870 words]

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