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Yep it's time for the headcanons! MOON EDITION CAUSE I RARELY TALK ABT THEM-

-Triton once had an emo phase

-Callisto and IO sees both Earth and Luna siblings

-It won't take much for Ganymede to turn evil

-Luna once told Ganymede about his name and didn't knew that she made him questions his life choices

-When Earth isn't around, Luna starts to act like an autistic chiwawa

-If Luna and Titan were in a relationship, Titan would be the bottom 👍

-IO doesn't understand dirty jokes, so Callisto would mostly prevent him from hearing any dirty jokes

-Titania is a badass bitch

-Europa is an I-T-G-I-R-L

-Luna and Triton have the "Help me hide the body + What the actual fuck did you do?" duo dynamic.

-Triton has old pictures of him in his emo phase and would obviously cringe at them

-Luna would sometimes speak in random languages just to confuse the moons for fun

-Titan is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show him

-Sometimes Titan would always regret planning the Moon Revolution everytime he sees that Luna is much more happier when Earth is around (He basically felt bad for almost killing a planet that's close to Luna.)

-Triton is depressed

-Europa would sometimes wonder if she wants to kiss girls

-Luna can easily make anyone fear her whenever she wants to

-Europa is an ugly crier

-"DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT LUNA'S GENDER IS?" -Almost every moon in the Solar System

-Luna would sometimes dress up as scene :0

-Titania also knows how to art

-Luna would randomly start using anyone as a punching bag when she gets annoyed (Mostly aimed for Triton or Titan)

OKAY! That's all for today's headcanons!

Word count: 296 words

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