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Requested by: ItzDiana_YT4

Jupiter and Saturn are literally Earth and Luna's parents, prove me wrong.

Summary: Jupiter comforts Saturn and they read a book together :D

Saturn was in his orbit writing down the names of his moons and trying to remember them. "Moon number 42, Poly.. Polydeuces!" He immediately wrote that down. He hasn't been getting any rest until he's done. Jupiter on the other hand, was clearly worried about him not getting rest, so he decided to talk to him.

"Hey, Saturn? You-"

"SHUT UP! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY OVER HERE!?" Saturn immediately felt guilty about yelling at Jupiter. "Oh.. Jupiter, I'm so sorry, I-"

"Saturn, it's alright.. I know you've been feeling upset since your moons left you, so why not take a break?" Jupiter smiled softly at him, "Hey, how about we read a book together? What do you think?"

Saturn thought for a moment, but he then gave him a pleasant smile. "Sure.." Jupiter sat down besides Saturn and opened the book to the first page.

'Starlight,' was the title of the book. It was just like one of those children's fairy tale books, but Jupiter knew how Saturn liked those types of books and how it makes him happy. Of course he would do anything just to put a smile on Saturn's face.

After a few pages reading the book, Saturn was resting his head on Jupiter's shoulder. "You must be tired, huh?" Jupiter spoke with soft voice. Saturn nodded slowly as Jupiter wrapped his arms around him. "Alright, you can use me as a pillow. I'll just wake you up when I have to go back to my orbit," he informed. Saturn managed to fell asleep snuggling up against Jupiter.

A/N: Sorry if this was so short, I ran out of ideas 😭, but Jupiturn is killing me /pos LIKE I FRICKING LOVE THIS SHIP.

Word count: 319 words

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