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The triplets are filming a car video with no topic. They knew their fans always loved the videos with no topic and they always like to please their audience. so there they were, in the car, yapping about stuff when Chris suddenly starts talking about getting a face tattoo.

"Nick, Nick I'm going to get your name tattooed on my forehead right here!"

He yells proudly and points to a the middle of his forehead. Nick laughs loudly at that, knowing he'll never do that.
"I dare you." He says, laughing. Chris and Matt giggle, both knowing how Chris never would get a tattoo because he's too pussy.

"No I'm serious guys, I want to do something for y'all! Like get a tattoo or a-" he pauses. "Yeah just something funny to represent my love for you!" Nick and Matt break out in laughter at the younger's excitement.

"Maybe get your drivers license." Matt sasses.

"HAHAHAHA." Chris fake laughs in Matt's face. Nick begins hysterically laughing in the backseat as Matt rubs his face laughing. "Chris- stawp.." Matt giggles.

"Fuck you! I was seriously telling you how much I love you and you're just thinking about how I have to get my drivers license?" Chris yells, hurt in his voice.

"Okay okay I'm sorry, I love you too." Matt smiles at Chris before they burst into laughter again.

"You guys are insane." Nick giggles softly.

"Nick I love you too man!" Chris hysterically laughs while sticking a hand out to Nick. "Love you." Nick says while rolling his eyes and shaking Chris' hand before pushing it back to himself. But Chris knows that's how Nick expresses himself so he just smiles sweetly and watches as Matt picks up the camera and films them from close.


Chris laughs, squeezing his eyes close and rubbing his eyes. Nick also laughs and Matt giggles from behind the camera.

"AND I'M ALSO GETTING 'BERNARD' ON MY ASS, wanna see that too?" Chris laughs loudly, finding himself really funny.

"Eww what?" Matt laughs, disgust in his voice.

"It's time to finally shut the fuck up ya creep," Nick giggles.

And then Matt screams in the camera. "YAHOO." Fills the car as Chris and Nick are still laughing their asses off.

"You are not a real human Chris I swear to god." Matt sighs as he starts the car and begins driving them home.

When they finally arrive at their house again they're all tired and still giggling so they all agreed on going to bed since it was two in the morning.

But when it was three in the morning Chris still could find himself awake and alert. He has this weird feeling in his gut that there's something wrong. He shrugs it off but it keeps bothering him. So he gets up and quietly walks to Matt's room.

"Matt?" He whispers while slowly pushing his bedroom door open and walking up to Matt. He carefully pulls the sheets up and lays beside his brother.

Matt stirs slightly and opens his eyes to look at Chris. "Chrissy?" He whispers. Chris smiles. Matt always gets way softer when he's sleepy.

"Yeah it's me, I couldn't sleep." Chris says softly. "Oh, okay." Matt responds and gives him a smile.

Chris slowly cuddles more up to Matt and rests his head on his chest. Matt is surprised, he never did that. Chris always tells him how he could never fall asleep while cuddling. He shrugs it off and wraps his arms around Chris.

They both fall asleep after that.

Two days later their video was out for a few hours so Chris decided to look at the comments.
There were already a lot of comments, all positive about their energy throughout the video and saying how funny they are. Chris smiles. He loves his fans, even though sometimes they make things difficult, he loves it when they're happy with the video's they work so hard on.

But then Chris' attention gets dragged to an other comment.

Chriscummedonme said: Chris you don't even know what love means you don't love them you love me.

That creeped Chris out intensely which is relatable. But Chris wasn't used to the creepy comments. So he gets up and walks to the living room where he just left his brother's because they were going to watch a movie he didn't like, but the movie at this point sounded better than thinking about the comment.

"Nick, Matt!" Chris whines when he walks into the living room. "I changed my mind." He says and falls down on the couch, Immediately cuddling up to Nick. Normally Nick would've sent him away immediately but he saw that the look on Chris's face was uncomfortable and desperate so he wraps an arm around his brother and looks at Matt. Matt looks just as confused as Nick.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" Nick asks him sweetly.

"Yeah, I just saw a really weird comment but I'm alright." Chris confesses.

Matt and Nick's gazes change into sympathy and Nick holds his brother a tiny bit tighter. Matt gets up and grabs a blanket, throwing it over Nick and Chris and sitting next to Chris. "We can watch another movie if you want." Matt says.

"Nah that's fine I don't care." Chris responds quietly. Nick and Matt nod.

Chris falls asleep when they're halfway through the movie and Matt looks up at Nick again.

"He's been acting clingy." Matt states. Nick just nods and looks down at Chris while gently running a hand through his hair. "Yeah.."

Nick knows that it takes a really weird comment to creep Chris out, even more when he gets clingy.

~ swear on my life~  Sturniolo tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now