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It was an hour since Nick and Chris left to the party. They locked the doors and told Matt to call them if anything is wrong. Matt agreed and now he's on the couch, snuggling with a random pillow while watching a movie with Liam Neeson in it. He made himself another cup of tea. He feels like an old man but his throat hurts so bad that he couldn't care less.

But after another half hour his throat hurt so bad that he doesn't know what to do. So he takes some honey and pours it in his tea. Matt found the idea of honey in your tea extremely gross but then again, anything to make that stupid throat stop hurting.

He's about to walk back to the couch when he suddenly hears a loud thump outside. Matt looks around and takes a deep breath. It's probably just the wind Matt. He tells his paranoid ass. But something is not right in his mind, something is off and it freaks Matt out. He remembers Nick telling him that if something is off to never ignore it. And Nick was probably right, so he sighs and walks over to the front door to at least check if it's locked.

But when he enters the hallway he suddenly sees the door wide open. He's sure he locked the door when his brother's left. Matt's heartbeat starts to race. What is happening?

Instead of going to the door he decides to go back to the kitchen. In fear that someone was waiting on him outside.

When he arrives in the kitchen he immediately knows someone is in the house. He can feel it.

He slowly walks to the drawers and opens the knife drawer. Without making a lot of noise he grabs a knife and walks a few steps away. This wasn't the first time he has walked around the house with a knife. Ever since he was twelve he was the most paranoid bitch you could know when he was home alone.

There were countless of times Matt thought there was someone in the house. And he would walk around the house with a knife and his phone camera until he was sure no one was there.

But this time was different. Matt didn't dare to explore. Someone is in the house, probably here to kill him, why would you be in someone's house otherwise? His heart is in his throat and sweat starts to form on his forehead. Matt doesn't dare to speak, nor to move. He can't risk it.

And then he hears something behind him. It's the smallest noise someone has probably ever made. But Matt wasn't moving, speaking or breathing so it couldn't be him. The small noise was enough for Matt to jump forward and turn around, the knife pointed forward. He slams his body against the fridge, fear numbs him, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

And although he already knew someone was in the house, his heart still jumped when he saw someone in front of him, with a knife. And they seemed much more likely to know what they're doing. But Matt isn't dumb, is he? With fear flowing through his body, he jumps aside to prevent the knife that is being thrown hitting him. Instead of hitting him, the knife gets thrown against the fridge and it falls on the ground, making a loud noise.

He stares in shock for a millisecond and then finally decides to take off. "Fuck." Matt doesn't even have time to say anything else except fuck. He tries to run. He tries to run anywhere, he doesn't care where. he just has to get the fuck out of here.

But he doesn't get far because he suddenly gets thrown against the wall with full force. A second later he feels a sharp pain in his side. "FUCK!" Matt is only able to cry out. He feels the knife getting pulled out of his side. Hot tears stream down his face but he doesn't have time for crying, not even a panic attack. The only thing that matters right now is surviving.

Suddenly he remembers the sharp tool in his hand. The knife. He still has the knife. Matt didn't want to, he really didn't. Even when they did the same, he couldn't bare the thought of hurting someone. But it's either he hurts this psycho or he hurts his brother's ten times more with dying.

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