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Hi everyone!
I just wanted to say I am so so so so so so sorry. I know that if I'll put a trigger warning you'll probably ignore it but please please please, if you are sensitive to blood or DEATH or even needles and suicide, please don't read this if you think you'll be triggered or something like that.
I am again so sorry. And don't go sue me because I trigger warned you so..😇😇😇


A cold hand covers Matt's mouth. He can't see anything, it's all dark. The only thing he feels is Nick holding him and holding a hand over his mouth desperately. Tears are streaming down his face, he tries desperately to keep the visions from that night away. The only thing he feels is fear. Fear rushes through his body and slides over him like a snake, slowly gripping him by the throat. He tries to focus on not breathing too loud but it's harder than it sounds.

Nick on the other hand, only feels adrenaline. His veins are popping out and his pupils are dilated. The need to protect Matt overtakes his body and makes him put a hand over the boy's mouth. Adrenaline blinds him. He barely breathes, he can feel Matt's tears soaking his hand but he doesn't give the slightest fuck. He holds Matt close to him, scared to let him go, scared to even move one limb.
The knife in his hand pointed at the small door.

Chris's eyes meet hers.
She smiles while looking Chris deep in the eyes.

"Nice to meet you." She smiles, amusement rising in her voice.

Chris keeps quiet.

"If you think you can protect them, you can't. I win tonight."

She takes a few steps closer to Chris, now being right in front of him.

Chris doesn't know what to do, he's numb. He can't move.

And then he feel a sharp pain in his neck. He turns his head to slightly see a needle being pushed into his neck. "F'ck." Is the only thing Chris is able to get out before he collapses on the floor, darkness overtaking his sight.

Nick suddenly hears footsteps. His breath catches and he squeezes Matt even tighter, Matt shuts his eyes and decides to pray. The footsteps come closer and closer but when they're right in front of them Matt's body suddenly goes limp in Nick's arms. Nick tries his best not to make a single sound while holding Matt's body up. He quickly checks for a pulse and luckily there is one. He then hears the person walk away. Nick has no idea how they didn't hear him but he will be forever grateful for it.

Not long after Matt opens his eyes again. Nick immediately motions for Matt to keep quiet and puts a hand over his mouth again. Matt starts crying again and lets quiet sobs escape his mouth. Nick pulls the boy in his chest and starts softly striking his hair until he's calmed down. He kisses Matt on the head multiple times while the boy sobs quietly.

Nick's heart shatters at the soft breaths/sobs from his brother. He can't imagine how scared Matt must be right now. She literally told him that tonight will be his last night.

Nick's body suddenly overtakes with anger. Who is she to tell his brother how long he'll live? He finds himself fighting the urge to get out of there and end the motherfuckers life. He warned her that she would regret hurting his brother's. Why hasn't she payed yet? Nick asks himself.

He then promises himself that she will, eventually pay. Matt or Chris aren't dying today, (...) over his dead body. Which brings him to the next thing, Chris.

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