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It's one week after Matt woke up.

Nick walks through the hospital with a big plastic bag. The last week has been hard, Matt had a lot of checks and therapy and had to talk to the cops about what happened. Matt remembered it all so at the end they were all obviously sobbing in the little office.

Nightmares were a common thing for Matt. At this point Nick and Chris sleep most in the day because they didn't want Matt to wake up to them sleeping. Matt also sleeps a lot. Most of the time he is awake for five hours in total and the rest of the day he sleeps.

Nick has just been home, picking up stuff to bring to the hospital. He walks into the hallway were Matt's room is, instantly seeing the bodyguard in front of his door. Nick knows Matt ships him and the bodyguard hard. Nick can't deny he's fine but he's probably five years older than him and has no interest in Nick. Not that Nick has any interest in him..

Nick smiles and exchanges a "hi" with him before walking into Matt's room. He walks in on Matt and Chris sitting next to each other in Matt's hospital bed and Chris reading something to Matt.
Nick supposes it's fanmail. Nick and Chris had picked out a few letters for Matt to read in the hospital a few days ago. Matt has his head rested on Chris's shoulder and Chris has an arm around him. They're both smiling at the letter.

Their fans have been really supportive of Matt being in the hospital. Even though they don't know exactly why.

His brother's both look up at Nick when he enters the room. "Maatt!" Nick grunts while throwing the bag on the ground. Matt smiles widely at him and Nick walks up to him to exchange a quick hug. "I got u some things.." Nick says while walking back to the bag and opening it.

Meanwhile Matt immediately starts yapping. "Nick have you said any other word to Adam than 'hi' yet?"Matt asks. Nick looks up confused. "Since when is his name Adam?"

"Matt asked him his name." Chris says, laughing.

"No you didn't." Nick gasps, jaw on the floor. Matt nods while laughing.

Nick is speechless for a minute before saying, "no, Matt. I haven't said anything other than hi yet and I won't." Matt's face turns into disappointment. "Pussy." He mutters under his breath. Nick gasps dramatically at that. Matt and Chris giggle softly.

"Alright I brought you..." Nick begins while ruffling through the bag. "Your blanket!" He yells while throwing Matt's blanket at him. Matt gasps in excitement while hugging the blanket. "Skittles because Chris practically begged for them." Nick says while throwing skittles at Chris. "OW motherfucker!" Chris yells when the skittles hit him in the chest. "And lots of other food." Nick finishes.
He looks up at them again to see Chris leaving the bed and leaving Matt with his blanket. Matt looks slightly disappointed that Chris left but it doesn't seem to bother him too much. Nick walks up to Matt and playfully ruffles his hand through the boy's hair. "How are you feeling? Hungry, sleepy, does anything hurt? Are you feeling sick?" Nick asks him. Matt just smiles at the concern and shakes his head. "I'm fine." He tells Nick.

"Can you come cuddle with me?" Matt then asks. Nick hesitates, he doesn't know if he's allowed to. He looks at Matt again. His eyes stand dull, he has huge eye bags and he still needs an oxygen mask sometimes. Whatever, it has been almost two weeks. He's probably allowed to cuddle with his brother for a few minutes right?

"Alright fine, but don't be surprised when the bed collapses." Nick gives in and lies down next to Matt in the hospital bed. "You're not that big." Matt tells him. Nick smiles at Matt. "Well thanks." They both smile and Nick carefully wraps his arms around his baby brother.

"Is your chest still sore?" Nick asks Matt in a sweet tone as he strikes his hair gently. "Yeah." Matt sighs. Nick then lays his hand on Matt's cheek and they make eye contact. "It's okay." He soothes quietly. "I talked to a doctor today, they said you'll probably be out of here by next week." Nick smiles.

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