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"Are you ready to go?" Chris asks his brother who is sitting at the edge of his hospital bed. Matt hesitates. He has been in this hospital for two months now. One month in a coma and one month awake. He's gotten used to it by now. At least here he knew he was safe. An officer who had also became his friend always standing at the door. Nurses when he needed them and his brother's by his side at all times.

And now he's leaving to the place he got stabbed seven times again. No bodyguard, no nurses. Just him and his brother's. At least he has them, right? He just hopes they won't leave him again. He's still recovering and doesn't need more stabs to his chest. They basically confirmed the attacker is coming back and they haven't found her yet. So it's really not impossible for him or his brother's to still get killed. They've got a new security system though, so that should help.

"Yeah let's go." He answers.

He feels Chris throwing an arm around his shoulders and they slowly walk out of the hospital. Nick has already checked out and he said goodbye to Adam, all the nurses and his breathing therapist. He still told Adam he should get together with Nick though. He took it pretty well, told Matt to fuck off and took his and Nick's phone number.

The minute he walks through the door he can see himself lying in his own puddle of blood, with the letter beside him. The letter, oh fuck he didn't even ask about the letter yet. He pauses for a second before walking further in the house and walking through the kitchen straight to the living room where he flops down on the couch. Chris and Nick immediately sit down next to him and Nick gives him his blanket. He relaxes when he feels Chris pulling him into his chest and Nick cuddling up to him. "Did you got the letter?" Matt then asks.

Nick and Chris's expressions drop slightly. "Yeah.." Nick answers him.

"Did you then uhm.. did she tell you- I loved you?" Matt's chest aches as he thinks back at the promise she made him and how he was coughing up blood that moment.

"Yeah, she did.." Chris pulls him even closer at that. "I genuinely thought I was going to die." Matt tells his brother's. He sees them starting to tear up.

"I know baby, but you didn't so let's keep that in mind." Matt nods. "I love you." He smiles softly at his brother's. "We love you too." They answer.

"We will always protect you from now on Matty." Chris then says softly.

"We have to protect each other." Matt smiles at Nick and Chris and they nod. Nick and Chris then share a look with each other, the smal moment of eye contact is enough to tell they'd die for each other. And Matt would die for them.

They snuggle closer to each other and cuddle like that while putting a movie on and exchanging some small talk with each other. But then Chris Nick and Matt's phones go off. Their security system has detected someone at the porch.

Matt tenses in fear immediately. "I'll go look." Chris says. Nick and Matt nod reluctantly. "You get ten seconds." Nick tells him. Chris nods and then disappears. The door opens and a few seconds later it closes again. Chris walks in.

With a letter in his hand.

~ swear on my life~  Sturniolo tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now