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A month after the incident Nick and Chris still sleep at the hospital. Their parents came by, just as their brother and friends. But Nick and Chris won't leave Matt's side for longer than three hours. They've been home a few times but they can't really be at home without Matt.

Matt got his lung transplantation a week after the incident.

When being with Matt they usually sleep, talk with him, watch things on their phones, read to him or cry. Chris and Nick didn't leave each other's side once since the attack on their brother.

Nick and Chris are both on their phones at Matt's side. Nick is holding Matt's hand, they do that a lot. To feel Matt's touch and comfort they just hold his hand to simply feel him and realize he's still there.

But suddenly Nick feels Matt's hand move. His eyes immediately flick up to Matt's face. He doesn't have an expression on his face, he doesn't want to hope Matt is waking up. He looks at Matt but nothing happens. Maybe it was just my own hand. Nick thinks. But he doesn't leave his eyes from Matt's face.

And then Matt's eyes flutter open. Nick looks as it happens. He gasps sharply. He watches as Matt realizes he's awake. The tube in his throat freaks him out, trying to figure out how to breathe correctly through it. His eyes find Nick's and they look at each other with shock before Matt tears up.

"Shh, it's okay Matty I'm here." Nick says softly while striking the boys hair. Chris just watches in shock. Nick clicks on the button by Matt's bed to get a nurse to help them. "It's okay, the tube helps you breathe." Nick soothes gently. Tears start rolling down Matt's pale face.

A nurse comes in and welcomes Matt with a bright smile. "Good morning Matthew, you are in the hospital right now. you've been asleep for thirty three days. I'm going to take this tube out okay?" The nurse says softly. Matt nods, he looks scared. Nick and Chris watch as the nurse takes the tube out of his throat.
Luckily the nurse is very gentle and calm.

She then gives him a cup of water. Matt slightly winces when he drinks the water. His throat is dry from the tube so that's understandable. The nurse then smiles at Nick and Chris and tells them she'll be back after ten minutes. Nick and Chris nod and when the nurse is gone Matt immediately starts crying.

Nick and Chris both take one of Matt's hands. "Shh Matty it's okay, we're here now." Chris says softly. Matt looks at them and then Nick leans forward to give Matt a gentle hug. Matt gratefully wraps his arms around Nick as he cries. When Nick is finally done hugging Matt Chris pulls him in for a hug and they repeat what just happened with Nick.

"Hi." Matt says, with a hoarse voice.

"Hey." Chris and Nick chuckle through their tears.

"I thought I died." Matt looks at Nick confused.

"You did. And then we got you back." Nick smiles.

"Oh." Matt smiles back.

"I feel fuck'ng numb." Matt murmurs uncomfortably.

"Probably because of the drugs." Chris then says.

Soft chuckles fill the room.

"Damn, guess I'm not sober anymore huh?" Matt jokes weakly.

"Nah don't worry it's probably just painkillers."

The three brothers exchange small talk like that for a while. The nurse did came back. But when she saw Matt was fine and talking with his brother's she left again, smiling. It's a comfortable moment. The three brothers softly talking with each other, holding hands and being grateful for Matt being alive.

They talk about small, innocent things. Like their parents, what happened when he was asleep, how cute Matt looked in the hospital bed. Joking around and laughing with each other like always, except this time in inside voices.

After thirty minutes the nurse comes in again and tells Matt he's indeed under the influence of a strong painkiller. She also tells him he'll be tired for a long time and that he needs to stay in the hospital for at least two more weeks.

Nick and Chris didn't mind, they were beyond happy that Matt was finally awake and alive.

When the nurse left again Matt yawns. He feels his eyes getting heavy but he wants nothing more than staying awake and talk with his brothers so he fights the sleepiness. Luckily Nick and Chris noticed and remembered how the nurse told them that he needed a lot of rest.

"It's okay baby, you can sleep. We'll be right here when you wake up." Nick says. Matt hesitates.

"Nothing is going to hurt you baby, we'll make sure of it." Chris then soothes.


They both nod and watch as Matt lays down and closes his eyes, no longer fighting to stay awake.

"On my life."

Chris and Nick look at each other and smile. They finally got their Matty back.

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