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Dear Chris.

Welcome back.

Chris looks at the letter in shock. "Well that was fast." Nick says while grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "What are you doing?" Matt looks at him with a scared expression. "Don't worry Matty, I'm just calling an officer. They told us to tell them when something happens." Matt just nods.

Chris notices Matt being scared and throws an arm around him, pulling Matt close to his chest. "You're okay." He soothes. Matt smiles at him and hides his face in Chris's chest. "We should get you to bed anyway, the doctor said you still need a lot of rest."

"I'm not even tired."

Chris pulls Matt away from him and cups his head with both his hands, he scans the elder's face. I guess Matt forgot that he's not tired because he almost immediately relaxes his face in Chris's hands and rests his eyes. "So long for not even tired." Chris chuckles. Matt just groans and lets his head fall down on Chris's chest again, slowly falling asleep.

"Alright buddy, let's get you to bed." Chris carefully lifts Matt up in his arms and walks to his bedroom, where he lays Matt down on his bed and tucks him in. "Don't leave me!" Matt whines when Chris starts to walk out of the room. "I won't, I'm just going to check on Nick." He smiles. "Kay." Matt answers sleepily.

Five minutes later Chris walks in again with Nick. They both lie down next to Matt and let him cuddle up to Nick. "The police said we're probably going to have to move." Nick sighs.

Matt and Chris aren't surprised. They expected it, even. They aren't safe here anymore.

"I never meant for this to happen guys. I thought we could just be famous and help people with our videos. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." Chris's eyes start to water and it doesn't take long before the first tear drops down his face. "Chris.." Matt starts, sympathy lacing through his voice.

"It's not your fault, please don't blame yourself. You're not responsible for some psychotic girl who wants to kidnap you and kill us, that doesn't make any sense. You're just trying to make videos to please people. And they're so ungrateful. You're amazing Chrissy no one can tell me otherwise."

Chris smiles. "Thank you Matty." Matt smiles back and not long after soft snores fill the room. Chris looks up to see Nick striking a sleeping Matt's hair.

"Hey Nick?" Nick looks down at him. His eyes are wide open, his pupils are dilated, he holds Matt as close as he can. He tries to smile at Chris but fear is detectable all over his face. "Mhm?" He brings out.

Chris sighs.

"We're completely fucked, aren't we?"

Nick's face drops and he looks Chris deep in the eyes for a second.


~The next morning~

Chris looks dead out of his eyes, he lets his gaze slowly slide over the cabinet he just opened, his eyes eventually decide to rest on the little box with pills in it. He looks at them before grabbing them and emptying the box in his hand.

He looks down at the white objects in his hand. If I take this, it'll all be over. No one else will get hurt, but Nick and Matt will be devastated.. are we going for safety or love? Guess that's the million dollar question.

Chris takes a deep breath and slowly moves the pills up to his mouth.

And then a hand slaps his hand away. Pills fly over the floor and Chris is left with nothing in his hand and a confused look on his face. He suddenly feels two hands grab his face, they make his head turn and he sees a face in front of him. Nick, but Nick has tears in his eyes and he looks angry.

"CHRIS! Chris did you take more?!" Chris looks at him with a shocked expression. "DID. YOU. TAKE. MORE?" Chris starts to tear up now too. "No." He answers.

"Oh thank fucking god Chris.." Nick sighs while bringing his brother in for a hug. Chris hugs him back tightly and the room fills with soft sobs coming from Chris' mouth. "Shh it's okay." Nick soothes softly while striking the boy's hair. When Chris is done sobbing Nick pulls away and looks him in the eyes before wiping Chris's tears away.

"What were you thinking sweetheart?"

Chris doesn't respond, he only lets more tears escape his eyes.

"I thought Matt told you it wasn't your fault already!"

Chris lets Nick strike his hair softly and pulls him in for a hug again.

"He did! But- I just thought, if I'm gone.. they probably stop. So- then nobody gets hurt anymore!"

Nick's heart shatters at that. It would be true but being safe isn't  as important without Chris. Or any of his brother's. "Chrissy we are nothing without you baby, I promise we're going to get rid of this motherfucker and that will NOT include any of us losing their life, okay?" Chris nods and smiles softly as Nick pulls him in for a hug again.

"What happened?" A small voice asks from the corner of the room. Matt just came in to Nick and Chris crying and hugging with pills all over the floor.

Nick and Chris look up to Matt and they both smile. "Don't worry about it." Nick chuckles while putting out a hand, motioning for Matt to join the hug. Matt just shrugs it off and joins the hug.

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