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"Have you heard about it?" Sarah questions, trying her best to look at Tatum over my shoulder while the three of us are sitting on a random bench in front of our school building, waiting for the classes to start.

Sarah, is a short, black-haired with big green eyes, cheerleader type of girl who gets along with pretty much everyone and is also a pretty close friend of mine and a part of our cozy small friend group.

"About what?" Tatum and I ask, at the same time, while her head is lying on my head which I am resting on her shoulder, listening to their conversation.

"Ghost face attacked again," she states looking at Tatum. "Yesterday."

The mood tightens immediately.

There is a small pause of silence and I'm kinda frozen up in place. Why does she have to talk about this in front of me?

I'm shifting my head uncomfortably, making Tatum lift her head just like mine and going back to sitting normally, hiding my hands under my legs.

It's all a little bit too early for me, to listen to new stories about ghost faces new victims. I don't think I can do this.

"Is that so?" Tatum asks slightly uncomfortable.

Suddenly Sarah looks at me, her eyes going wide and her mouth gaping slightly open as if she just realized that I have been one of his, maybe even their victims not even 2 weeks ago, and that I may not want to hear about this right now. Ironic isn't it?

"Oh, I totally forgot," She says placing her hand on my knee, smiling. "Alissa, I didn't mean to remind you, I'm sorry," she says in a very sly tone.

I don't know what's wrong with her, but since it happened she's been really weird to me and not like she used to be. She's totally changed and I really miss Sarah's old self and our friendship. But maybe I'm just imagining things.

I open my mouth to speak but before I can get one word out she interrupts me. "Well, It's Elena Anderson. She got killed yesterday. I heard it was really crazy and fucked up. I mean the way she was murdered, you know? That's why they are questioning the whole school, again."

Tatum and I give each other a stare before she turns her head back to Sarah, looking slightly pissed now.

"Sarah, can you please shut up," Tatum tells her off but Sarah doesn't care at all.

"Thanks for the information, Sarah," I tell her, sarcastically.

"Yeah," Tatum adds while standing up and grabbing her things. "Let's go Lisa, we have to go to maths."

Sarah looks like she wants to say something but she doesn't, giving us a dirty eye roll.

I stand up Talking my stuff while smiling at Tatum, interlinking our arms as we start walking straight to our lockers.

"God, why the hell is Sarah so weird, lately?" Tatum giggles while swinging our arms a little to lighten the mood.

"I have no idea," I answer returning the smile, swinging our arms as if we are little kids.

Bloody Treason   || Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now