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School went by pretty quickly.

Tatum and I both ate breakfast and got ready together and Dewey drew us both to school, in his police car.

School was pretty usual. Nothing happened.

Nothing, except that those two freshmen guys who were running through the whole school in, as they all call it recently, Ghostface masks. They really think they are so funny. I heard that they are going to be expelled from school because of the scene they made. Not sure if it is true though.

Right now I am walking to the bus stop with Sarah next to me yapping about the upcoming party tonight.

Another one, I know crazy if you think about that some unknown serial killer is walking around freely on the streets.

"You're coming too, right?"

I am not sure actually, because one part of me wants to stay home in between the four walls of my house and hide from the rest of this fucked up town, keeping on suffering from the anxious feelings that can't seem to finally disappear. Or if I should finally fight my fear and get back on track because I can't let this night determine my whole life and even though I am afraid, I shouldn't hide myself away. This won't do it.

"I am not sure yet," I answer as both of us keep walking.

"God Alissa, when did you become so boring." Sarah rolls her eyes, eyeing me with her now pretty usual annoyed look. "The old Alissa would have never said no to a going-out night."

I'm taken aback by what Sarah just said but I can't blame her. It makes me kind of sick to my stomach knowing that she doesn't see my "old" self in myself anymore. I get her, I have changed but changing was not my intention and if I could change the things that happened I would but changing the past is something I simply can't do. But I can work on myself and the future and I will.

I feel bad that I am giving this bad energy to the people around me, I did not intend to do it and I feel like Sarah is right I have to get things under control and finally leave this victim role that has been haunting me, since.

"Sorry," I respond not able and sure to say anything else.

Before Sarah could reply, Sydney Tatum, and Stu walked up from behind us.

"Hey," Tatum greets us as she hugs me from behind.

Sarah and I greet them back as I force the smile on my face.

As the chatting about tonight starts and I just listen I notice my mood swings, it's like this anxious feeling just can't leave me alone, no matter how hard I try.

As we continue our path to our bus stop, their convo is fading more and more as I return deep into my unwanted thoughts.

It's all too much, I need to leave.

"See you later," I tell them, sprinting away from them as fast as possible. Not caring about the fact that Tatum was supposed to drive home with me.

It's probably a good idea to run home and finally clear my head of everything.


It feels weird to be home alone again but even though I know that Tatum and Sydney are coming over before they leave for the party, those few hours until they should be here make me feel kind of uneasy.

I haven't been alone in this house since the attack.

I'm in the kitchen warming up the food in the microwave that my mother had already cooked for me, while I hear the TV playing in the background.





As I take out the now heated soup I take my spoon. I walk into the living room that is connected to our kitchen and sit down on the couch, putting the hot bowl on my crossed legs.

"Shit!" Ouch.

I spilled some soup onto my leg. Well done Lisa.

Back on my feet I rush back to the kitchen and grab the towel that is hanging on one of the cabins, letting some cold water run over it before I press it on the spot on my leg that is covered with hot soup.

I exhale in relief as the hot water cools the burnt spot on my knee.

I'm definitely not eating that soup on the couch again.

I limp back to the couch, grab the bowl, and bring it back to the kitchen island.

Leaning onto the kitchen island I spoon my soup, more careful while I watch the reality show that is currently playing on TV, very invested.

Completely focused on the TV show, I shove a spoonful of soup into my mouth. Suddenly I hear a distant noise coming from the back door. My head turns in that direction and as I peer out of the back door, I see nothing. It is probably nothing, I can't let myself overreact.

I'm spooked out by the kitchen telephone that just started ringing.

I grab the telephone and bring it to my ear as I'm starting to feel the fear build in my chest.

"Hello?" I speak on the Telephone.

"Alissa! Randy asks if you're coming tonight he has something important to tell you." Tatum questions as I let out a sigh when I hear her very relieving voice come through the Phone.

I immediately feel safer, forgetting about the weird noise.

"Hey Tatum," I greet her before answering. "I still don't know. I'll decide spontaneously."

"Okay! See you later then." Tatum says before hanging up.

As the line goes silent I put the Telephone back on the kitchen counter making my way around the kitchen counter to continue eating.

What does Randy have to tell me? And why is it so important that he just can't wait until maybe tonight or tomorrow? Anyway, it's probably just some random Randy thing.

Done with eating the soup bowl I walk over to the kitchen sink, putting the used dishes into the sink as I let water run over it before putting it into the dishwasher.

I'm interrupted by the sudden crash sound that is coming from the same direction as earlier, outside of the backdoor.

The bowl in my hand almost falls and I put it quickly into the dishwasher and close it before slowly creeping over to the backdoor, scared about what I'll see there.

While peeking outside I see nothing. What the hell is wrong with me? No one is here I'm just too fearful about this again. I should have gone to visit my sister with my parents because all of this is not a good idea.

I'm about to turn my back to the back door when suddenly a figure pops up out of nowhere outside of the door, making my whole body flinch as I let out a shriek.


"Oh my god, are you crazy?!" I yell before unlocking the door to let him come inside.


I hope you like this chapter!!


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