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The light from the TV flashes over my face, getting my attention as I start blinking and rubbing my eyes, waking up from the deep sleep I just had.

I yawn and notice the arm around my waist that is holding me tight.

For a moment I feel so at peace. I could stay like this forever.

But then I remember what happened earlier.

God, I'm so stupid. How could I let Billy see me like this?

Billy. Billy who holding me tight to him while I hear his quiet snoring in my ear and feel his breathing on my neck.

He's so cute when he's sleeping.

How could I dream something like that? But to be honest it felt unbelievably real. But my head hurts even thinking about it.

For a short moment, I just stay in this position. Hugging Billy's arms that are hugging me and letting my eyes fall shut, feeling safe.

Until I stare at the clock for a second.

9:57 pm.

Oh shit, what am I doing!?

Sydney and Tatum should be here any second. No this is bad. I don't want them to think anything about this.

I quickly try to get out of Billy's hold while trying to carefully wake him.

"Billy," I whisper.

"No, five more minutes." He mumbles pulling a pillow over his face, making me chuckle. "Please."

"Hey, come on please wake up." I plead and start shaking him by his shoulders softly. "Sydney and Tatum will be here any minute now."

"Mhm." He grunts while stretching his arms slowly opening his eyes as he sits up straight.

I sit in front of him just watching him come back to life. Trying to hide the smile that is creeping onto my face but I fail.

"Hey." He blurts out, rubbing his eyes, still half asleep.

As I remember Sydney and Tatum once again I quickly stand up, caressing my hands over my navy blue knitted sweater to straighten it, and walk over to the kitchen counter while Billy just watches all my moves.

"Do you want something to drink?" I question.

Billy sits up straight now, looking pretty much confused.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah?" I furrow my eyebrows, also confused.

"Alissa." It's weird when he speaks out my whole name. "You were anything but well earlier, you had a panic attack and now you're seriously asking me if I want a drink?"

"I don't want Tatum and Sydney to think something is going on," I state trying to avoid the topic.

"Alissa can you for one moment stop caring about what anyone else thinks about you and finally start to care about yourself?" He sighed with pleading eyes. "You're more than that and I'm worried about you li, you deserve so much more, stop hiding yourself away."

I'm kind of taken aback because of what he just said.

"I want to know how you feel, li."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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