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I feel warmth in every vein of my body.

My eyes are shut and my vision is blank but unlike usual, my thoughts are not swirling through my head, instead, my head is empty and I feel calm and comfortable.

Not conscious or concerned about what time it is or where I even am I suddenly feel discomfort as visions flash into my mind and all of a sudden I am being dragged back to that night.

I am lying on the cold ground as my hand grips the grass tightly, feeling it erase around my fingers. I look around and acknowledge the garden right away and see the clear sky full of stars. Looking exactly like it did that night.

As I look down on me I notice that I am wearing the same pink long sleeve and jeans I was wearing then.

What is going on?

No one is in sight. I stand up and start walking trying to get away from here as fast as possible.

I'm stumbling on my legs and I notice that my scar is open again, fresh blood steaming from it and feel the pain hurting all over again. I don't know what's going on, everything feels too real to be just another nightmare but it has to be.

Finally, in the house, I search for the telephone to call my parents.

As I reach it I instantly start dialing my mom's phone number. It's so hard to focus. My head is buzzing so much, I can't focus.

Sweat is building itself on my forehead and I wipe it away with my sleeve that is already covered in blood, waiting for my mom to finally answer her damn phone.

I hear something on the other line. Oh my god, finally. My body is filled with hope.

"Mom?" I gasp into the phone.

Still, no one answers but I can definitely hear someone or something on the other line. It stays silent. God why is no one answering me?!

"Mom please, please say something," I whine, my hands holding onto the desk in front of me for some kind of support while I feel my legs go weaker and weaker every passing second.

Fuck this shit.

I don't get where the hell everybody is or how I ended up in this situation once again but I will walk away this time, I am so done.

"Hello, Alissa."

Pleaso no.

I slowly bring the telephone back to my ear waiting for him to speak again as I'm unable to move or even say anything.

"Missed me?" Absolutely not.

I feel my whole body begin to shake as I hear the voice thrilling through my head that I thought I would never have to hear again.

I'm not sure what to do and I feel like I am frozen in place. My mind is playing images from that night in front of my eyes and my head won't stop spinning. I just want to get away from here.

Wait where's Cassie? Is she also here? If she is I have to help her this time. I need to be there for her.

"Where is Cassie?" I rant into the telephone.

Bloody Treason   || Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now