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School went over surprisingly fast today. The bell just rang and everyone is hurrying to get to their lockers and out of this school building as fast as possible.

Right as I am about to open my locker the school speakers are heard.

"Due to the repeated circumstances of the incident in Woodsboro, classes are canceled tomorrow," the principal announced over the loudspeakers, causing everyone around me to cheer. "However, you must go home and stay in a safe environment. Take care of yourselves."

Immediately after she said that the cheering stops, thwarting a lot of people's plans and many „oh's" are heard. But as if they would actually listen to her.

As I put my stuff back into the locker, closing it everyone is already back to minding their own business and going on with their days.

I make my way to the school fountain where I meet the others. As I walk past the other students, I notice them staring at me and suddenly I feel like all eyes are on me. I can feel an anxious feeling spreading through my chest and I clench my hands into fists as I realize they are starting to shake. This is nothing new. Ever since I survived the attack, I've been the talk of the town for some of them, and although I do my best to ignore it all, I'm constantly reminded of that night, and I just want them to forget it so I finally can too.

Just before I reach the main entrance to the school, I feel my arm being pulled into one of the corridors I've just passed. Now I'm standing against one of the walls and a hand is covering my mouth, muffling the scream I just let out before I realize who is standing in front of me.

"Billy!" I exclaim, still shocked by his action as he removes his hand from my mouth. Having an enormous smile on his face.

"Are you crazy?!" I question him trying to hide the smile that's creeping up on my face, seeing him smile like that as I hit his chest with my hand.

"Hey," he simply says ignoring my question completely, still having this huge smile on his face.

"You totally are crazy," I giggle as I lean more into the wall behind me, peering up at him.

"For you always." He teasingly states making me let out a snorking laugh, rolling my eyes.

I met Billy three years ago when Tatum introduced me to Billy, Stu, Randy, and Syd when I transferred to their school. Since then we've become very close and he's one of the people I appreciate being around.

The same with Stu even though I question him sometimes.

„Oh, shut up," I tell him jokingly before changing the topic. „Where have you been all day?"

"Stu got in some trouble, had to help him out. That's why we were running late." He explains as I nod.

"You know," I say. "Tatum and the others are waiting, we should get going."

"Should we?"

"Oh, come on." I grab his hand for a short moment dragging him with me out of the school building.

"Just kidding." He says throwing his hands up and acting offended as we make our way outside.

People are walking around everywhere. Probably all happy about their free day tomorrow, not giving a damn about what the murdered people had to go through. It's crazy how cruel some people can be. Cruel like the reporters storming in my direction wanting to write my unspoken words on their little notebooks to use for their own fame. Obviously not caring about other people's health. But since the first day of school after the attack, they appeared everywhere at the most random time. Since then I have gotten a little used to it. It's still very annoying tho.

Bloody Treason   || Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now