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Finally, home I stumble inside throwing my school bag onto the couch where my parent's suitcases are already standing as I walk right into the kitchen where they're waiting for me.

"Hey sweetie, " My mother smiles at me but I can see the worry in her eyes, clearly.

"Hey Mom," I return the smile, sitting on the kitchen chair next to my dad whose face is stuck into the newsletter not even bothering to look up. "Hey, Dad,"

"Hey Li," He finally looks up, greeting me.

"I've made some lunch for you Lisa." My mom states, walking over to me, and handing me the lunch.

"Thanks," I thank her, taking the plate from her hand.

While grabbing my fork, and picking in the food my mom just made me, not hungry but yet trying to be grateful so I take some bites, I notice her worried glances.

Her eyes just don't leave me and I already know what she's about to say. And I can't blame her.

"Sweetie, why don't you come with us?" She pleads as her blue narrow eyes stare right into mine, begging me to go with them. "Visting your sister would be nice, wouldn't it?"

Even though I want to see her I can't bring myself to leave. I know that it is the safer option to choose but something is holding me back and I have no idea what it is like I feel that I can't leave this town because that will make me feel like I'm running away. And a part of me is scared to face Casey.

"Mom, I can't leave. I got some really important exams." I lie. "It's going to be okay."

"But you're staying at Tatums tonight?" She looks at me, making sure.

"Yes, Mom, and tomorrow she's going to stay here," I assure her, pressing my lips together and smiling at her to make her feel better.

"Okay," She sighs. "but please take care."

"Yes, don't worry." Smiling I stand up putting the dish into the dishwasher before walking over to Mom, giving her a peck on her cheek.

"I'm going upstairs, love you."

"love you too sweetie."

Back in my room, I walk over to my dresser, picking out some clothes I will need at tatums tonight.


"Why is she being so annoying at the moment," Tatum mutters to herself as puts her straw blonde hair up into a ponytail as I sit on her bed in my baby blue pj set that's matching with hers.

"Who?" I question grabbing the purple nail polish that's sitting on her nightstand, and opening it.

"Sarah!" Tatum states as her head turns to me, looking at me like I'm crazy that I didn't guess right on the first try.

"Oh." I let out a laugh as I begin covering my fingernails with the pretty, orchid, lilac color.

"I'll probablly join y'all at the party then." Tatum quotes her mocking her voice as she waves her arms around, forcing her best fake grin onto her face trying her best to mimic Sarah.

I stop painting my nails as I watch her desperately upset about Sarah's behavior and I start bursting out laughing.

"I get you." I agree with her letting myself fall back onto her layers of pillows. "She definitely has a problem. But I don't know what it is."

"I don't know if I can keep cool with her behavior for much longer," Tatum says throwing herself on her other bed next to me, grabbing her stuffed animal and holding it in front of her.

I am about to reply to her as we are interrupted by her room door being opened by her older brother Deewy. Who is also a police officer. But a clumsy police officer.

"You okay girls?" Deewy asks leaning on the doorway.

"Hey Deewey" Smiling I greet him, giving him a small wave.

"Deewey get out!" Tatum rolls her eyes, yelling, not even bothering to turn around to face him.

"If you two need anything. I'm right in the other room." Deewey makes sure that we know as I nod and Tatum turns around abruptly.

"Get out!"

"Yes, yes I am already gone." He puts his hands up while walking out of the room as Tatum and I both start giggling.

After a while of silence, both of us lay in our beds, tugged under the weight of her warm blankets as my thoughts begin beaming.


I turn my head, glaring over to the bed where Tatum is lying on her side, facing me.


"Do you think it's Billy?"

wavering, my thoughts come to a halt.

"What?" I question confused. "Why would you think that, Tatum?"

"I don't know," She shrugs.

My eyebrows furrow waiting for her to continue after insulting him like that. There has to be a reason why she is thinking that. It's crazy.

"It's just Randy had some crazy theories going on earlier today and some of them sounded kind of possible," Tatum tells me as her lips press into a line.

God, Randy. I love him but you can tell he's a horror freak and his mind is going a little crazy sometimes.

"No," I state. "It's not Billy, he wouldn't do that."


Boring chapter again and I am so sorry for being so inactive lately!!


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