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„Billy what the hell?!" I yell as he steps inside throwing his hands up in offense as I hit his chest.

"Did I scare you?" He says trying to keep his facial expression blank but I can see that small smirk on his face. "I'm sorry."

"You're not funny I thought- Ugh, Why didn't you just ring the bell at the front door?" I blurt out the adrenaline still rushing through my body.

"I thought you're parents were home." He states.

"My parents are gone until next week and why the fuck would you come through the backdoor where it's very likely that my parents would be?!"

"I didn't see them." He shrugs and I notice his lip twitch for a short second. "And I've never heard you swear that much. It's attractive."

Does he think he's funny?

"Do you think you're funny I thought you were who knows what, trying to come inside and now you're acting all funny. Why would you do that?" I yell and I know that I am probably overreacting but I am so shocked right now. I can't think straight.

"Alissa calm down it's just me and it was not my purpose to scare you. Not at all, okay?" Billy says, his voice is soft.

I look up to him my furrowed eyebrows loosen up as I see his worried gaze not leaving my eyes and I realize that it was actually not his intention.

He goes with his hands through his hair pushing the loose caramel brown colored hair strand back and his silhouette stepping forward, closing up the far distance that was between us. He lays his arms around me pulling me into his body. After a second I return the hug and pull my arms around his back as he holds me tight.

"I'm sorry-" Billy whispers into my ear, truly apologizing.

I interrupt him. After all, I feel bad cause I don't want him to feel bad. It's just me, again. I overreacted.

"No, stop apologizing," I tell him, loosing up the hug and taking a step back. Getting lost in his deer brown eyes that always reminds me of the beautiful depths of the woods.

"I overreacted."

"Alissa, you didn't. I should have thought about about it." He reassures me giving me a small smile.

"No, I mean it. It's okay." Returning the smile and changing the topic. "Let's forget about this but why are you here? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine." He states before following me to the couch where I let myself fall onto, sitting back as he does the same next to me.

"What is it then?" I question.

"I just wanted to see you." He says as his eyes find mine and stay there once again.

Kind of taken aback and not sure how to respond I feel my cheeks heat a tiny bit cause his comment was so unexpected. But I didn't mind it.

"You're funny." A giggle escapes my mouth and my head falls back onto the couch cushion.

"I mean it," Billy says a smile on his face and his eyes never leaving mine.

"I mean it too." I'm l full-on laughing now.

"I just don't want you to be alone."

After he he says this my laughing mutes immediately as I let out a sigh and my head, still lying on the couch cushion turns to face him.

"Are you okay?"

It's crazy, even though I don't want anyone to ask me this question I've never noticed how rarely someone does anyway.
And if they do it's not like they actually care. I don't complain, I get that everyone has their own lives and struggles but why would you ask someone this question if you don't actually want to hear what the person feels and just expect and simple 'yes.' So you can simply move on. That's not what you should be doing.

But then there are the people who care.

"Mhm." I hum and smile at him reassuring.

I'm not better than those people who ask without caring. I just can't talk about my feelings.

There's this silence between us for that short moment where Billy simply studies the features on my face and doesn't pressure me to tell him the truth because he can definitely tell that I am not honest.

I am thankful that he doesn't pressure me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Billy asks.

I want to but I don't know if that's a good idea because Sydney will be here soon and I don't want to know what she might think of me then.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Sydney and Tatum are coming over soon." I explain pressing my lips together.


Is he for real?

"But what about you and Sydney?"

"What about us? It's complicated, you know, so I mean, there's nothing." Billy shrugs.

I don't know what to think about it but I just nod at him. Even though it's hard for me to accept it, I feel this bond between me and Billy but I feel really bad because Sydney and him had something last year and I don't know if it's still there. Besides, I don't want to hurt Syd if that's the case.

But I also feel very safe around him at the moment, so I'd rather he stays a little longer than have to be alone again.

„Alright, but just one movie." I accept with a smile on my face. "And then you're going home okay."

"Yes, as you wish." He jokes and I tell him that he's not funny but laugh anyway.

I jump up from the couch, run to the TV, and pop the disc of "Stand by Me" into the DVD player.

My favorite movie.


  Hope you like this chapter!!


Bloody Treason   || Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now