Chapter 12: Meet Beorn.

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Outside of Beorn's House, Azog and his fellow Warg Riders watched Beorn who was guarding his house against the Orcs with a fury. Both knew about the other. And what the other was capable of.

"Bû hum margyam. Gorid shûgi khozdayil." (Attack them now. Kill the Dwarf-filthwhile they sleep.) One of the Orcs suggested to Azog.

"Shâ - Shulim nari arangish." (No - the Beast stands guard.) Azog explained as he looked at the Giant Bear pacing. If Azog wanted to get at the Orcs. He would have to be patient. They couldn't stay at the Carrock for long. Thorin wouldn't do it. He had been waiting years to get at Thorin. He could wait a little longer. 

"Zadgarimid ru mong." (We will kill them on the road.) Azog informed.

As the Orcs continued to spin around. Soon after a large presence approached the other Orcs through the trees. Another Orc Rider. Huge, and brutal looking. This was Bolg. The Son of Azog.

And Azog watched his son approached. 

"Ginai-nu toragin Guldur-ob ... Dorguntoragishig." (They are gathering in Dol Guldur ... the Master has summoned you.) Bolg reported. 

Azog nodded. Thorin would have to wait. He had a visit to make with the Necromancer.

And so it was that Azog had rode out to Dol Guldur entering the ruined fortress and crossing the causeway and entering Dol Guldur. And walked up to a Dark Shadow Pulse With Black Smoke writhing and a Dark Energy Built. There was also a figure waiting in the shadows. A figure who was White and Pale like a ghost, a bald head, slits for nostrils, and evil red eyes.

"I was not expecting you to be here, Voldemort." Azog noted.

Voldemort turned to face Azog. "Your Master invited me here. We have much to discuss with each other. Particularly how Harry Potter and Thorin Oakenshield are working together and could potentially undermine our new alliance." He also had a Snake by his side. Nagini, who slithered next to Voldemort. "Can't say I blame you for failing. Harry Potter has evaded even me. But his time will come soon enough." 

"I care not for what you do with Harry Potter. I just want Oakenshield's head. If you had sent me more of your followers with you instead of Bellatrix Lestrange, I'd have won." Azog shot back. 

"Such a disappointment that Bellatrix has given me." Voldemort said. "Wouldn't be the first time though. But no matter. We will have another chance." 

That was when another creepy figure emerged from the Shadows. "Ah, that must be the Necromancer." Voldemort said.

"Zad thraka'ash. Zad thraka'ash gishu." (We grow in number. We grown in strength. And our new allies will help us double the danger.) The Necromancer started as Azog watched more and more of the Giant Orcs march in to the Courtyard of the Fortress. "Snakun nak, Azog." (You will lead my armies, Azog.)

"Mod Ekinskeldu?" (What of Oakenshield) Azog asked. 

"Kutmu nakhash." (War is coming.) The Necromancer replied.

"Zad nathagash slangm-hu." (You promised me his head.) Azog pointed out. 

"You will have his head, my friend." Voldemort assured. "Just as I will have Harry Potter's head. And this time, his Mother's protection won't be enough to stand in my way. Ridiculous notion of love." He sneered at the idea. "There is only power and those too weak to see it. Isn't that right, Wormtail?" 

And a short wizard with overgrowing hair, and a face like a rat emerged. Peter Pettigrew, a.k.a Wormtail, the man who betrayed Harry's Parents location to Voldemort years ago. And who resurrected Voldemort to a full body. "Yes, My Lord. Most correct of course." Pettigrew said while showing his metal arm to Voldemort. "But what are we going to about Thorin and Harry Potter... are we to call off the hunt. 

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