Chapter 1: The Arrival to The Shire.

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Harry had taken the Memory to the Pensieve sitting by the side of Dumbledore's Office. 

"So... how does this work?" Neville asked not knowing how a Pensieve worked. 

"Well, I pour this into the Basin." Harry answered as he poured the liquid. "And we dip our heads, and observe the memory." 

"We just stick our heads in?" Ginny asked.

"Yes." Harry answered. "Like so." He put his head down as if to take a drink from a stream like an animal. 

Ron followed suit. As did Ginny, and Luna. Neville also stuck his head in. And Hermione followed after. 

Suddenly all 6 were pushed into the memory. Landing on the floor. Having seen the memories of Voldemort and those that knew him before, Harry was surprised not to see an Orphanage, or Hogwarts or the Ministry of Magic for that matter. But instead they were now in a lively city that looked like it was from the Middle Ages. With people around the areas. Such a very lively city too. The City of Dale. It's markets known far and wide.

Harry was happy at the sight. "This is wonderful, but what- woah!" His eyes had turned to a large Lonely Mountain sitting beyond the city. With massive Statues and an entrance carved into the Mountain. Upon closer glance, Harry realized that the portraits looked like Armored Dwarves. 

"Look at that!" Neville said in awe.

"And they're not in wings and singing Valentines!" Ginny added. 

"That certainly is grand, but what does-?" Hermione started to ask. 

The scene had shifted again. Now they were by the Outskirts of the City. On the walls. "Wow. This is incredible to see from a distance." Ron was amazed at the sight of all of it.

But Harry could tell that something was off.

"Harry?" Hermione asked. 

"Something's not right." Harry answered. The Pines right next to him started to creak like there was wind storm coming. 

"Bloody Hell. What's happening?" Ginny asked. 

"Ginny. It's okay. It's just a memory." Harry assured.

To Harry's left, a Dwarf with Dark Hair had run out with a company of armored Dwarves. He turned to another Dwarf and ran right through Luna. 

"Wow. That was lucky. He just ran right through me." Luna commented. 

"Balin! Sound the alarm." The Dwarf ordered. A Flag had blown right into him. "Call out the Guard. Do it now!" He yelled. 

"Thorin, what is it?" The Dwarf known as Balin asked.

"Dragon." The Dwarf known as Thorin answered while running back inside. "Dragon!" He yelled to the people of Erebor.

A Dragon Roar was seen overhead and burning tree branches were blown away.

"I don't think that's a Hungarian Horntail." Ron commented. 

But that was just one wave. Because another wave of fire had surged onto the walls. Thorin dragging Balin back inside to avoid getting scorched.

"Woah!" Ron yelled. And Hermione screamed. But fortunately, the fire had burned past them. 

"Merlin's Beard!" Hermione yelled. From her knowledge, no Dragon would ever go near a populated city. 

The memory had changed again. Now they were standing in front of a full garrison of Dwarves being led by Thorin to the gates. 

The Great Doors of Erebor being blasted by fire from the outside. And Harry could also see a Dwarf with a crown running towards the throne that was made of stone and grabbing what appeared to be a glowing gemstone.

The Boy Who Lived and the Hobbit. (A Harry Potter/Hobbit Crossover.)Where stories live. Discover now