Chapter 9: Down in the deep in Goblin Town.

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While everyone fell asleep, Harry still remained awake. Deciding that he would take the first watch. He could also see that the Dwarves were all asleep on their gear. There was still no sign of Gandalf. "Must be delayed by the bad weather." He thought. Though, he did wish that he would show up. If he was, he could've assured the group that Bilbo did belong with the party. 

But as for Bilbo, he had opened his eyes. He could see that Harry was the only one awake. But looking out at the cave. So Bilbo saw it as his opportunity to get out of the party. And he quietly started rolling out his blankets and started to pack his things. 

Bofur had also noticed. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked Bilbo.

Harry had turned to see that Bilbo was starting to make his treks " getting out of the cave. "Back to Rivendell." Bilbo answered. 

But Bofur had shook his head over. "No, no, no. You can't turn back, now. You're part of the company. You're one of us." He protested.

"I'm not though, am I?" Bilbo retorted. "Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins, I don't know what I was thinking. I should've never run out the door." 

"You're homesick, I understand." Bofur tried to assure.

"No you, don't! You don't understand, none of you do, you're Dwarves! You're used to, to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere!" Bilbo snapped. But he suddenly stopped when he realized his harsh choice of words. "I'm sorry, I didn't..." 

"No, you're right." Bofur interrupted at once. "We don't belong anywhere." 

And that was when Harry started to walk over. "Thorin's wrong about you, Bilbo. You have a place with the company." He started to say.

Bilbo looked at Harry. "No. I don't-" 

"Hey, I've been there, Bilbo. Always thinking that I didn't belong anywhere. The Outcast of the group. Always strange and abnormal. And a misfit. It was like that for 9 years of my life. When I lived with the Dursleys. I felt like I wouldn't belong anywhere. And then when I was 11. Hagrid came knocking on the door. Told me I was a Wizard. And I found my home. Hogwarts. My real home." Harry explained. 

"If you're trying to convince me to stay, Harry. You're not doing a great job at it." Bilbo said.

"Okay, sorry." Harry said awkwardly. "But the important thing is that I believe you have a place with us, Bilbo. You may not see it now, but you do." 

Bilbo still looked indifferent at Harry. "Yeah, well, I don't have the same abilities as the Dwarves, I can't use magic like you and your friends do. I'm a Hobbit. We're not built for this life. We don't have the ability." And he started to walk away.

But Harry this time knew exactly what to say. "It's not about abilities, Bilbo." He informed. And it made Bilbo back. "A wise Wizard once told me that it's not our abilities that show what we truly are. It's our choices." He said.

"Gandalf told you that?" Bilbo asked.

"Nope. Professor Dumbledore." Harry answered. "My First Year in Hogwarts. That was after we had- why is your sword glowing blue?" He noted Bilbo's sword.

"What?" Bilbo asked. And he unsheathed his sword to see the tip glowing blue.

"What's that?" Bofur asked. 

Thorin also woke up to see it. "Wake up. Wake up!" He yelled to everyone.

"Everyone!" Harry yelled shooting Bombarda to wake everyone up with a loud bang.

"Is it breakfast time already?" Ron asked still half asleep while getting up.

"Harry? What's going on?" Hermione asked.

The Boy Who Lived and the Hobbit. (A Harry Potter/Hobbit Crossover.)Where stories live. Discover now