Chapter 15: River Barrel Run.

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Bilbo held onto Luna's barrels as they fell with a large splash. "Ha! That actually worked!" Harry yelled from his own barrel as he spat out water.

"Wonderful." Hermione said as she was very wet.

"Well done, Master Baggins! And Mr. Potter and Miss. Lovegood." Thorin praised as the barrels were all now floating in single file down the river. 

Bilbo waved his hand while he was holding onto Luna's barrels with another. "Move! Come on! Let's go!" Harry yelled quickly.

The barrels were now picking up speed with the water as the Barrels all thudded together. But it could only mean one thing why the water was picking up speed. A Waterfall was coming up.

"Hold on!" Thorin yelled as the Barrels all tumbled forward over the Waterfall.

"Oh, Merlin!" Hermione screamed as she fell down.

The party then started falling out of the tunnel and down the river. Water rushing down on everyone.

"Bilbo! Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Bilbo answered as he still held onto Luna's Barrel.

Ron spat out water. "Oh. Hope that was  the worst of it." He said

"Where are we even going?" Neville asked.

"Who knows. But any where's better than in Mirkwood." Harry answered while still in his own barrel. The Barrels continued to float down a narrow channel, leading to a fast flowing waterway that headed off down the wooded hillside. With a Channel entrance Gate still open. "We're almost there."

And while that was going on, Legolas was already on the scene over the Sentries upon learning that the Dwarves escaped. "Holo in-annon!" (Shut the Gate) He ordered.

The Elf next to him blew a long note on a trumpet.

Elven Sentries by the gate leapt into action and closed the gate. And all the barrels started jamming and crashing into each other.

"This complicates things a bit." Ron commented.

The Elves all stood ready to fight.

"Looks like we're fighting our way out of this!" Harry figured as he drew his wand.

"Harry, we can't just kill these Elves-" Hermione tried to say.

"We're not going to kill them, Hermione." Harry replied. 

But then an arrow struck one of the Guards dead.

"Wow. Nice Shot, Harry." Neville praised.

"That wasn't me." Harry replied.

Who it came from was a large force of Orcs, who swarmed over the Riverbank led by Bolg and also slaughtered the Elves on watch.

"Oh, not these guys again!" Ginny yelled.

"What are they doing here?" Ron asked in disbelief.

"Goridug!" (Slay them all) Bolg ordered his Orcs as they swarmed all the Elves who where caught off guard.

Within moments the Orcs shifted focus to The Barrels.

"Bombarda!" Hermione shot at one Orc making him blow up.

"Confringo!" Harry shot at another party of Orcs. But more kept coming.

"Someone get this gate unlocked!" Thorin ordered.

"I'll get it!" Ron aimed his wand at the gate.

"No!" Hermione yelled at Ron to stand down. "It's too risky. "You could hit the Dwarves."

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