Part 10

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Detective Greyson

"Sir given the evidence thus far, we are for certain Dion Baxtor is a prime suspect in the murder of Blair Moore'. My head was full of wishful thinking as I waited patiently for the District Attorney to respond. "Beep Beep" moving the phone from my ear I can see that again Jade Braxton was calling my phone, which made me feel unsettled, what could be the problem? "Detective you there?" I finally hear, "Yes sir" I respond quickly, "I'm late for a meeting down at the City Hall he began, give me until the end of the workday to give you the go-ahead to bring Dion Braxton into custody, and if you don't hear from me, that isn't giving you the go-ahead to go against my wishes" he ordered me sternly. "I understand, have a good day sir, speak to you soon." As I hung up on the DA, Jade calls again, "Mrs. Braxton is everything okay" My mouth reeks of concern and confusion. "Detective I think you were right, Jade screams into the phone. "Right about what Jade?" "About Dion." I knew it I mouthed to myself, I began preparing myself to get out of my seat, "I found a knife buried by my roses" Jade's voice took center stage and immediately caught me off guard. I sat back down I was glued to the chair now; this was not the call I was expecting. I knew that I had eyes set on Dion, but here Jade was on the phone confirming everything. Me and Wilkerson came up empty-handed the last time we were at the Moore residence and during the investigation, the missing piece was the knife all along, however, a trophy object that caused blunt force trauma to Blair's head has never been recovered. "Are you safe"? I ask Jade getting up from my chair and grabbing my black blazer. "Dion isn't here, I'm not sure when he will be back, Detective please get here fast!" Jade pleaded. I'm on my way stay inside your car until I get there." I instructed Jade. The feeling of relief comforted me as I walked toward my car.


Jade wasn't the only one who needed a break altogether from our new reality, I'm a murderer, and there's no changing that, I will never rush to the Police Department and plead with the officers to arrest me, I want to see how long it will take them to figure out I'm the main suspect. Detective Greyson already assumes it's me, but I won't just hand myself to him either. Looking at my phone I have no missed calls, I haven't tried to reach out to Jade because why bother? I had made a mess of my marriage and if she happened to show up at the house while I was not there, she'd see the mess I left behind. "Dion you okay" My mom asked me as she crept into my childhood bedroom, I decided to come back home because the flashbacks of my fight with Jade replayed in my head as I sat alone in our living room, and the nightmares of murdering Blair began to become more frequent. I always found comfort in my bed, a mattress that molded my body as I grew from a boy to an adult, the comforter was navy blue and thick, and memorabilia scattered around my room from old trophies, posters, games, an old Xbox covered with dust. "I'm okay Mom just needed some rest, I said as I sat up in bed, as my mother stood before me, I crumbled inside knowing when she found out what I've done it was going to destroy her and she may never look at me as her baby boy but instead a cold-blooded murderer. "Mama can I ask you a question, I say in a soft tone. "Of course, Honey what's up, now she's sitting on the bed beside me, "Do you remember when I was with that college girl Blair?" A look of confusion came over her face and I could tell she was searching through her mind to figure out who Blair was, "Uhhh Dion you've had so many ladies before marrying Jade I can't say I remember Blair specifically". We both laughed out loud because we both knew what my mother had said was the truth, I hadn't brought Blair around here much, so I could understand how my mom could have forgotten about her. "Please don't tell me that you're talking about Blair Moore honey the poor girl who got murdered?" concern fills her eyes, I never made it my mission to involve my mom in my and Jade's business, so she hadn't been aware that Jade was friends with Blair. "Yes, mama that's her sadly, my mom was still confused as to where the conversation was going at this point. "Mama" I began, "A part of the reason why I've been home lately is that her death has affected me and Jade tremendously. "Jade," she says scrunching up her face, "Jade knew her too, "Yes mama I never told you they were friends" I quickly replied trying to get to the main point, "I just never thought that the death of someone I knew for a short time would affect me so much." My hands are now across my chest as I keep eye contact with my mom eager for her response. If there was anyone to run to for comfort it was my mom, through everything I had been through in life my mother was always encouraging me to push forward. "Honey she began, death alone is a tragedy, and it is shocking when it is someone you know it doesn't matter if you were involved with her for a short amount of time, she became a part of your life if you need to grieve, grieve baby". She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Buzz Buzz Buzzzzzzzz" my iPhone vibrates suddenly and its Jade calling me, I show no hesitation as I answer her call interrupting me and my mother's conversation. "Jade everything okay?" "Dion, I need you to meet me at the house tomorrow evening, I think I'm ready to talk, I miss you". The words I miss you warmed my heart despite the arguing and anger I missed her too. "Okay I will, see you tomorrow baby". A smile formed on my face, impossible for my mother not to notice, "Seems like someone just got a ray of sunshine on this cloudy day" my mother chuckled.


"That was great Jade" Detective Greyson calmly said to me, he arrived not too long ago, and I immediately handed over the knife. There was no doubt in my mind that Dion was the killer, his reasoning behind killing Blair I have no idea, but I was hopeful I would find out. Until tomorrow evening I'd be trying to put pieces together to make sense of everything, with Dion being absent from the home I could spend the night and early morning looking all over the house for insight into what became a tragedy. "I will contact you as soon as I'm on my way over". Detective Greyson assures me. "Yes, sir if anything changes I will let you know". I assured him also, as I watched him drive off, I prayed that Dion wouldn't show up before tomorrow night. 

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