Heated Discussions

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Walking into theliving room may not have been the best idea, I wasn't ready to bring up theelephant in the room. I'm unprepared to face the truth, but the time has come."Dion, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about today." I began calmly,should I ask the obvious question out loud? Dion's body language was hard toread, his eyes stared deep into my soul and though I hate making eye contact, Iwasn't backing down. "How well did you know Blair?" I kept a safe distance,scared that he might become infuriated, as I waited for his response. "From thejump Jade I should have told you that I knew her, I realize that was a mistakethat created longing effects. "I've already explained though how I met her, I'vealready explained how far things had gone between us which wasn't much, andquite frankly Jade I'm tired of explaining what I already have done". I cansense the irritation in his tone now, but the most dominant feeling flowing throughmy veins is agony because I've read his entries and know the truth. "The way thatyou've been behaving had me thinking otherwise, I respond because you have beenavoiding Detective Greyson, you don't seem worried about the case until I bringit up or you're questioned and you become defensive and nervous, "Jade- " Nolet me finish talking damnit, I barked as I stomped my foot, now I was the one speakingwith an irritated tone, my interruption caused Dion's eyebrows to rise and Icould tell he was clenching his teeth, " Dion you're a liar, and it breaks my heartyou're lying to me the one person who has held you down through everything.Dion and I had struggled to create the perfect marriage together, I've bustedmy ass at the courthouse and so has he with his business, kids were on ourbucket list for the future but in this very moment to hell with all the plans. Hethrows his hands up in a I give up fashion as he makes his way up the stairs. Ifollow Covid distance behind him. "Jade there are things you haven't told me, don'tact like you are innocent, the creaking of the wood beneath our feet with eachstep only adds to the suspense. "When were you going to tell me about yourmeeting with Detective Greyson?" When were you gonna mention the meeting wasbeing held in my motherfuckin house!! Suddenly he turns around to face me, thelook in his eye is of true anger, our faces inches from each other, I can feelhis breath on my nose as I lock eyes with him, his breath smells of mint, witha hint of his previous meal. For a second my heart yearned for his kiss, histouch, to make me his again, he's a beautiful man, of all the things that couldof came out my mouth " Uhhhh" What was I really supposed to tell him, that Iwas going through his things to connect him to my best friends murder, and evenworse the knife he purposely hid. That I was going to side with a cop and agreeto help put my husband behind bars. "Uhhh – "I need something better than thatJade" Dion roared as he turned back around and made his way to his game room. Iwas unable to remember quickly if I made sure everything looked exactly how itlooked before Dion left. As quickly as he walked in, he began to close the door,my steps turned into speed walking, my right hand attempting to hold the door open.There was no way I was going to let him escape again, he could no longer shutme out. "We need to talk about this, I hope my eyes weren't revealing my fearsas we locked eyes again. 

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