Imperfections By: Lisa Washington

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I roll over in bed, open my eyes and it's light out, another day I say to myself, the smell of coffee lingers in the air, always the best thing to wake up to. Coffee is my must-have every other morning and this time he made the coffee for me, that was nice of him. I throw on my robe and cozy slippers, I take another look at my toes. He treated me to a pedicure yesterday. It was much needed, and the tech did such a great job. I'll have to show my appreciation tonight for the little treats I've been getting here and there from my love. The coffee is great, not too sweet, and the right amount of creamer I'm not surprised Dion knows just how I like my coffee and he knows I don't eat much in the mornings so just avocado toast is on a plate for me to enjoy. Good morning baby, I wish you'd devour me the way you're devouring that toast he says, as he comes from the living room, oh hush I reply you know I give you exactly what you need don't play with me. You're right you devour Daddy so well baby he says to me and makes his way over to where I'm sitting, Damn I think to myself a fine-ass husband and he knows how to make me happy; I go crazy for the thoughtful things he does.

Thinking about all that makes me want him and the rest of the avocado toast comes second place to the 1st place winner standing right in front of me. I get up and hug him taking in his scent and that ignites a fire in me, my mouth connects with his, and my hands roam freely, a breakfast and dessert situation all before 10:00 am is more than I could ask for, luckily the Island is right behind me, I feel the coldness of the counter and I'm not even fazed, the way he kisses me, grabs my neck and smiles, Daddy please don't tease me, I whisper with a smile, his hands come from my neck and now his fingers are getting comfortable inside my treasure. Yes, I yell as I reach ecstasy, He gets me right every time always taking care of me first. I need a second to get my breathing back under control. Daddy's turn he says with a smile, we begin to make love, the counter is my favorite place.

You make me feel like I'm on top of the world when you take care of me this way baby I say, getting my panties back on, the coffee is too good to waste so I take a quick sip and hop in the shower, that hot water on my skin in the morning after good coffee and even better sex, makes me want to sing to the heavens.

Any major plans today? I asked him as I walked down the stairs, just one thing stop by the store to grab some more snacks and small things we may need for the get-together tomorrow, he says. Omg, the get-together I forgot, I'm the worse when it comes to remembering things. Jade, it's fine babe, I got everything situated, the only thing I need you to do is help set up in here tomorrow before everyone comes, You're so good to me baby, I appreciate you I say to him, I know you do he replies that's why I do the things I do. We are about to have round two in here you keep talking to me all lovey like that, I say, we both laugh, I walk over and give him one more kiss before heading out the door. Be careful today Jade, remember your heart can get in the way of your work sometimes, I'm going to try babe, I blow him a quick kiss, you have a good day, let me know when you get back home, Yes mam I will, I love you baby he says. When the door closes, I stand there for a second just feeling so lucky that we can say such lovely things to each other before we leave the house, most couples don't have conversations before one heads out the door, it's a quick kiss no passion. Reaching for the car door I remember I forgot to grab some extra pens and copy paper from the office to take to work, Ugh I can't afford to go back in the house, because one thing will lead to another and I'll be so late for work, I'll just borrow some from Blair.

Jamie Foxx's Experiment begins to play through the speaker, this song has been my new obsession ever since I heard it playing one night when Dion and I were making love, I get instant flashbacks, lord I say out loud and shake as the chill runs through my body. Traffic isn't bad today, the ride to work is a straight shot from the house, a 20-minute drive, I decide to grab Chicken Salad chick for lunch later as I'm driving by. Good morning, everyone I yell as I walk through the double doors of the courthouse, I know a majority of security guards and the ladies that work the front reception area. Good morning, Jade, Damn girl you get finer every damn day, I hear Raheem Hush, you know Dion would lose it if he heard you talking to me like this, I know but damn I can't help it, Jade, Raheem says.

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