Final Part

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The tension in the room hugged my body tightly, I'm not sure if Dion felt the same, it's so hard to read him especially since his back is turned. Getting comfortable in his chair he paused for a moment and that moment felt like hours, had I been caught? was it that obvious someone had been looking through his things? "Jade, have you been in here?" While asking me this his head moved side to side looking at items on his desk as If he were trying to remember if he left his desk exactly the way it was being presented to him, my eyes darted to the safe under the desk, my eyes grew wide, my mouth became dry, and sweat quickly collected on my forehead, my heart sank. The safe was open, clear as day evidence someone had been rummaging through his things, all I could hope was Dion would be so focused on closing the safe to hide the remnants, that he would dismiss me as the person who had looked through his things. My only hope was that he would think he was responsible for leaving the safe open. No words escaped my mouth as he pulled the chair out farther to get a look under the desk at the safe where the exposed journal entries started back at him. As his body hunched over to grab the safe, he moved in slow motion, I'm not sure what was about to happen next, my mind replayed the better memories of Dion and me, the love we shared, the vows we said to each other, I have no idea what he is going to do next.

My eyes must be playing tricks on me, grabbing the safe I knew for a fact I would never leave this open, so why had it been? Why were my telling confessionals exposed? I quickly shut the safe and straightened back up, standing and now facing my wife, fear is plastered all over her face, angry thoughts nudging at my brain, as I picture Jade looking through my things, as the pages reveal more about the man I am, I picture Jade crying, shaking, fearful of what she now knows her husband is capable of, I picture myself lunging at her, my hands gripping her neck, her fingers prying at my hands trying to break free, her lifeless body falling to the ground, I never wanted to kill my beloved wife, but due to the circumstances, this maybe my only option to keep my truth secret. "Dion you, okay?" I hear Jade ask, and suddenly a smile forms on my face, as I come back to reality, let me have some fun with her first I think to myself. "Yes, everything is fine, you said you hadn't been in here, right?" "Yeh I couldn't bear to come in here" she quickly lied, gesturing to leave the room, we both began walking out, Jade looks amazing in the chocolate brown lounge set, I'm going to miss her body, and the way her hips and ass sways as she walks, as I'm walking behind her she quickly glances back at me and smiles, "Let me make us some coffee so we can finish....the rest of the sentence is a yell as my hands connect with her back and push her, sending her down our stairs, her head hits the floor first, silencing her immediately, checking her pulse I'm slightly relieved she's alive, I'm emotionless, dark energy now taking over me, the anger I felt inside was getting the better of me, not only had Jade lied, she went snooping through my things so in a sense this is her fault, had she just let me be, we could have been happy again and she wouldn't have to die. "Ri—ing!" "Ri—ing!" Jade's phone rings and vibrates loudly on the coffee table. Knowing Jade won't be up for a while, I leave her where she's at and walk to her phone, it's Detective Greyson, "Ding" A notification pops up he left a voicemail.

"Hey Jade, just checking in, confirming my meeting with you today, I don't want to say much but we are on the right track with Dion, call me when you get this bye" "Hey Jade" I mocked, who did this guy think he was, deciding to break the phone came to me naturally, after I dumped it in the trash  the second part of my plan began. Walking over to Jade I feel nothing, It is as if my mind has erased all emotions and memories of the woman lying on the floor, all I feel is anger, "you made me do this Jade, you should have just let me be, and loved me, just like Blair should have done, as I drug her to the Livingroom, I wasn't sure if I wanted to tie her hands together or let her wake up and think she had accidentally fallen down the stairs, a simple explanation since she'd been talking to me and not watching her step. I won't take any chances, walking back towards the kitchen, I grab scissors from the drawer, I have to cut something to use to tie her hands together and maybe her ankles too, I begin cutting some cloth from the dining room table, as I tie Jade up still I feel nothing for this woman, how can I she doesn't even love me anymore, they never do after they find out about my demons, with her hands together I go for her legs, looking up suddenly I'm face to face with Detective Greyson, looking through the living room window.

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