Austria X Reader; Chopin

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~~~~~~~~~~Austria's POV~~~~~~

There she sat, playing the piano to her favorite song; Nocturn. 15 in F minor, OP. 55.
The song really did set the mood, considering it was the first song I had ever heard her play, and the song that made me so eager to have her live with me. I remember it as clear as day;

~~~~~~~3 years ago~~~~~~

She walked in, which was a surprise to everyone. Her long, (f/c) dress streaked behind her. She wore black boots to match, as well. Her (h/c) hair was tied back in a bun and her (e/c) eyes shone with a spark of curiosity. She literally stopped the meeting. "You must be (c/n), welcommen." Germany was the first to greet her, though she obviously knew a few of the countries here. "Oh, thank you!" She grins with the most beautiful smile. "It's _____!" America bursts from his seat, engulfing the country in a large hug. He is soon followed by spain, italy, belgium, denmark, finland, and even england gets up to greet her. "My, my! I haven't seen you since you were tiny!" England shakes her hand with a grin. "Everyone, go back to your seats!" Germany's voice booms in the room, causing me and a few others to shudder a bit. I watch the countries shuffel back to their seats. "Now, _____, may you introduce yourself?" Germany nods to the woman, who looked to be in her early twenties. "Ah, yes. I am the country of (c/n), a small country not too far from britain, thats how I know England. Ummm, honestly im not that great..." the woman chuckles nervously, twiddling her fingers. "Rubbish!" England gets on his feet. "You are a wonderful country, and your music is lovely!" He earns nods from the countries that had huddled around her before. "Yea! Anyone got a piano?" Alfred grins. "Wait wha-"
"There's a piano in the music room two doors down, amigo." Spain points out the door. Denmark and America rush out the door, rolling a piano in just seconds later. "This really isnt necessary...." ______ begins. "_______! Please play something!" Belgium grins. Now I was intrigued. She couldn't be THAT good. I hold my head in my hands. I watch as she walks up to the piano, stroking the side. She WAS rather lovely, though. "O-ok then..." She sits down on a bench provided for her, holding her hands to the keys slowly. She pauses for a moment before beginning. Chopin, Nocturn. 15. In F minor, no. 55. A fairly easy song, but the way she played it... She seemed to sink into the song easily. I straighten my back, widening my eyes in surprise. With every key that passed by, and the way she moved and swayed with it. The sad look in her eye. You could almost feel the depressive tone of the song, it made me question my own feelings at the moment. I began to feel tears forming in my eyes, and every bone in me desired to go play the song with her in a duet. I bring my fingers to the table, playing invisible keys along to the song with closed eyes.
Before I knew it, the song was over, and my trance is broken by the sound of clapping.
______ stands from her seat and gives a small curtsy, quickly moving away from the piano and finding a seat next to Belgium, who gives ____ a large smile. "Told ya, dudes!" America punches the air in his 'victory,' followed by the murmurs of many other countries. "Yes, zat vas very nice, danke _____." Germany smiles and nods to the the country. "Ok, any news from any other countries?"

------after ze meetinggggggg- still Austria's POV-----

"_____" I walk up to the (nationality) woman. "That was an impressive piece. Are you fond of Chopin?"
"Yes, actually, Chopin my favorite artist." She puts on a closed eye smile happily.
"Ja, und how did you learn to play so well?" I grin at ____, curious.
"Well, since I lived with America for a while, there used to be an elderly lady who lived nearby; She taught me how to play." ____'s face saddens for a bit. "She passed away not too long ago." She wipes a tear. I nod. "Are you still living with America?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "Well, I planned on leaving after my first meeting."
"Back to your country? "
"No, I mean, I could, but I find it more intriguing to go to foreign countries." _____ grins again and shrugs, shaking off her sadness from before. I stay silent for a moment. "Would you like to stay with me, Germany, Prussia, and Hungary?" I mentally face palm. 'That was too direct, you idiot!' "That sounds nice, is it ok with the others?" She shrugs with crossed arms. 'Gute Herr(good lord,) how did that work!?'
"Ja, Germany won't care."
"Thats awesome!" _____ claps her hands together in excitement. "When should I move in?"
"This week." I state without thought.
_____ widens her eyes. "Really!?" She asks. "Ja, of course." Now it's my turn to shrug, adjusting my glasses. "Thank you!" ____ giggles and hugs me tightly. I stiffen for a few moments before patting her back, red now tinting my face. "Um, jou should go explain this to America." I look away, blushing. "Ok, thank you Mr. Austria!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~

It did take quite a bit of persuasion to get Ludwig to let ____ stay with us, but I managed to get him to let her. Plus, Gilbert was begging his older brother to let her stay too, mainly because, and this is an exact qoute from Gilbert; "She has a nice butt."

"Roderich?" _____ pokes my shoulder, trying to snap me out of my trance. "J-ja?" I rub my temple and blink. "Are you ok? You seemed pretty spaced out...."
"U-um, nein, I'm gut." I chuckle and fix my posture. "I was just thinking."
"Oh?" _____ smiles. "And what were you thinking about?"
"Um, nothing." I look around for an excuse.
"Mhmm." _____ nods.
My gaze finally lands on the piano. _____ looks at where I was staring and back at me. "You want to play a duet?" _____ grins. "Ja, zat vould be fine." I stand up slowly, fixing my purple coat. _____ claps her hands and drags me to the piano, plopping down on the bench and patting her hand beside her. I sit down beside her, scooting a bit closer then usual. _____ seems to have noticed this as she scoots closer to me, pushing me away with her weight.
It soon became fullout war, both of us trying to push the other off the bench with our weight.
I finally fall off, landing on my butt. "Wow Roderich, you better apologize to the floor." _____ giggles and pulls me up. I sit back on the bench, staring at her.
I watch her let down her (h/c) hair from its bun, I watch her (e/c) eyes sparkle in the light, but then my eyes travel down to her soft, pink lips. She doesnt notice me staring as she starts playing nocturn in E-flat major, op.9, no 2. Her playing the chords and the left hand, me playing the right hand. ____ doesnt notice me staring at her hands the whole time.
The song seemed pretty short, so my little 'moment' did not last long. I look back at the piano, hoping she wouldn't notice. I dust off my jacket and stand, looking down at her. ____ gets up too. "That was great! We should do it more often!" She smiles up at me with closed eyes. I just nod and begin to turn around. "Oh, wait, Roderich, and one more thing," She taps my shoulder in smirks. "Staring is rude." She laughs. My face turns into a dark scarlet. "I- I apologize-" She presses her finger to my mouth. "No, no, I should be the one apologizing." She runs a hand through her hair, still smirking. "Its not like I don't stare either." She winks and walks out, leaving me speechless.
Far across the room though, I can hear two voices laughing in the distance.

~~~~~~~~not too long ago, Prussia's P.o.V

I run around, trying to escape Hungary. "IM SORRY FRAU, I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN! BITTE, BITTE (please, Please!)! NEINNN(no!)!" I scream. "ZIS IS TOTALLY UNAWSOMEEE!!"
Unfortunately for me, Hungary catches me, grinning evily with a dark aura surrounding her. "Now vat did jou say about me being a little girl?" Hungary slaps her frypan against her hand. "I said no such zhing!" I plead, searching around for something to help me. I look into the piano room. "Hey, it's ____ and Austria." I point into the room. Hungary turns around, a spark of interest in her eyes. "What are they talking about?" She asks, poking her head in. Suddenly her eyes widen. "Gute Herr(good lord,) Gilbert, come see this! I thing they are confessing!" She grabs my arm and pulls me into the room to listen. We hide in the closet, listening. "Staring is rude." _____ says.
"Vhat do jou think Roderich was staring at?" Elizabeta lifts an eyebrow. "Probably ____'s butt." I chuckle. Even hungary laughs at that. We watch as ______ silences Roderich with her finger. "Keseses, I bet she wants to kiss him." I state with a smirk.
"Shhhhh!" Elizabeta slaps my mouth shut.
"Its not like I dont stare either."
My mouth drops open and I hold my mouth shut with my hands so I dont break out laughing, and it seems Hungary was doing the same. Then I watch ____ wink and walk out. That does it. I can no longer hold it in, and I finally burst out laughing, followed by the Hungarian next to me. We fall out of the closet, laughing to the point of where we were crying. I roll over on my back, only to be met by a pair of purple eyes.
Roderich stares at us with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. "How long have you two been in there?!"
"Long enough to the point of where I know what im buying jou and _____ for Christmas." Hungary laughs and sprints off, leaving me and Roderich. I get up and look at the Austrian. "If jou need dating advice," I pat his back. "Jou can alvays ask me."


Ahahaha, zat was cute ^-^
Comment for ideas :D

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