Overprotective!Austria X Teenage!Daughter!Reader

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Just so you know, there will also be a bit of Austria x Hungary content in this... huehuehuehuehue *^*


After months of begging, and turning 15 (technically 101 as a country,) my father, Roderich Edelstein, is letting moi go to my FIRST world conference. HALLELUJAH. I knew God would prove he loved me eventually.
"Daddy are ve zhere yettttttt?!?!?" I scream at my father, practically making him deaf.
"___, calm down. Ve just got in zhe car." He tells me, literally pulling out of our driveway.
"It feels like it's been forEVEERRRR." I groan.
" Nur 20 Minuten nach links, Liebling. (Only twenty minutes left, darling.)" Dad tells me with a slightly annoyed tone.
" Aber das ist eine so lange Zeit! (But that's such a long time!)"
I whine, earning an annoyed grunt from my father.
"Thank God zhe meeting is in Austria zhis month." My father mutters quietly to himself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~timeskip- after twenty minutes of reader chan's impatience~~~~

"Ve're here!" Dad exclaims overly happily, getting out quickly.
I follow behind too, also quite excited.
"OH MEIN GOSH! I CAN'T VAIT TO MEET ALL OF ZE HOT-" I freeze, realizing my father was standing next to me.
"Ahaha, I mean, I can not vait to make allies vith all of zhe other countries....ja..." I chuckle nervously, walking at a quicker pace to leave my father behind.
Suddenly seeing a whole new crowd of people, I happily examine them.
'Ooooh, he's hot- OH GUT HERR, LOOK AT THOSE BICEPS ON THAT GUY!! Oh my LAWRD, how do people get that tall?! Daww, I wish my boobs were big like that, not that they aren't large enough, though, huehuehue...' I think to myself, not noticing my father jogging up closer to me.
"____!" Dad closes in on me, making me stop.
"Ja, Vati? (Yes daddy?)"
"Jou vill stay by me. Zhere are alot of perverted countries here, so I vant jou to stay by me. Und your mother should be somewhere nearby, so if jou vant jou can go by her, just make sure jou tell me where jou are."
He tells me, casting glares at any other males who happen to pass by, even sealand.
Eventually we make it into the meeting room, sitting down.
"Mom!" I scream happily, running up to my hungarian mother.
"____! Sweety!" Elizabeta Héderváry, my mother (that's right, Austria and Hungary had a bit of midnight fun if ya know what I mean, huehuehuehue) Hugs me, patting the seat next to hers.
"I did not know you would be here today! Or that Austria vould alow zhat any time soon for zhat matter, considering he is how he is..." She stops, acknowledging my father who stood behind me.
"Austria." She greets him stubborly.
"Hallo, Hungary." He nods back, also giving off a rather cold vibe.

~~~~~~~Austria's P.O.V~~~~

I glare around, making sure noone is looking at my precious little girl.
Suddenly my daddy senses start tingling and my head whips around to two seats to the left of me; just in time to see Denmark pull out his phone and move it to a position facing ____. In a matter of seconds I move my head in the way of ___, blocking his veiw entirely of her.
I glare daggers at him, making it clear to stay away from her. I watch him shudder and straighten his back once more, putting down his phone and looking away quickly.
After that, I countinue looking around, my attention turning to straight across from me. France. 'That pervert is staring at my daughter's cleavage: this is unacceptable!'
I then shoot a deathly glare at him and take off my coat, putting it over ____'s chest.
"Ummmm dad, it's cold but zhis isn't necessary...." ____ begins to try and pull off my coat.
"No. And from now on you are bringing sweaters to World Meetings. You are also only allowed to wear turtle necks. And everywhere else you go." I tell her, still glaring at France.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to Reader's P.O.V~~~~

After the meeting, I leave my dad's coat on the table, quickly trying to lose my father and even my mother.
"(C/n)! Over here, dudette!" I look over, seeing America.
"Oh! Are you THE America!? Like, most powerful nation in the world America!?" I squeel, racing over to meet him. He laughs, placing his hands on his hips and sticking out his chest.
"That would be me, the hero!" He says, pointing to himself with his thumb.
"Oh, wow! I've heard sooo much about you! You're so cool!" I exclaim, now noticing a dark aura behind me. I shudder, turning around to see a tall, blonde man with a scarf.
"Hello, sunflower, I am Russia." He says, calming down suddenly.
I squeel again, eyes widening and smile brightening.
"OH MEIN GOSH, OH MEIN GOSH!" I jump around him, probably looking like a four year old meeting her favorite disney princess.
"Zhat is soooooo cool!!!! You're like, super strong too!" I look back in forth beetween them, oblivious to the tension between the two.
"You two are like, uber awesome! I feel so miniscule compared to zhe likes of jou!" I praise, ignoring the fact that I was basically screaming at them that I was a weak country.
Both countries blush, the tension dissapearing.
"Well the hero has to be strong if he is going to save damsels in distress!" America grins.
"That is very kind of you to say, little one." Russia pats my head.
"But it's true!" I smile a closed eye smile.
"It vould be great if I could hang out vith you guys, like, seriously!" I state.
America nods.
"Sounds great, dudette!"
"I would very much appreciate that."
I gasp at them both.
"For real!? Oh mein gosh!" I hug them both tightly.
"Great! jou guys are totally awesome!" I snap my fingers and write down my phone number, passing one to both of them.
"Coolio! Give me a call if jou-"
"_____!" Austria cuts me off, storming over to me and glaring at America and Russia.
"Vhat are jou DOING vith zhem?!" Dad gestures towards them angrily.
"Ummm, making friends?" I blink and gesture towards America and Russia.
"VHY ZEM?! Vhy not become friends vith leichenstein or Belgium, or somevone who vont try and make jou 'become one' vith zem!?" He emphasises 'become one,' casting a glare at Russia as he says so.
"Vell jou act like I'm becoming a stripper or joining a cult or something. calm down." I sweat drop. 'Oh crap, now I've done it...'
"Zats it, jou are 15 und have no right to talk to me zhat vay!" Austria argues. "Ve are leaving. Now!" He snaps, grabbing my arm.
"Maybe i should not have brought jou here in zhe first place. Jou are still too young. Jou can vait another ten years or so."
I glare at him, tears threatening to roll down.
"No!" I slap his hand away, storming off to find mom.

~~~~~Austria's P.O.V~~~~
"______ EDELSTEIN, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" I shout at my daughter angrily.
"Hey, dude, chill..." America places a hand on my shoulder while Russia stands there silently.
I remove his hand, following _____.
As I walk closer, I notice Elizabeta was there too, holding _____ closely.
"It's ok, honey. You can stay vith me for a while..." I watch Elizabeta calm ____ down, stroking her hair.
'I remember when we used to be like that... Elizabeta and I.' My gaze softens as I look at my daughter, who sulks in Elizabeta's arms. 'Maybe I was too hard on her... I've never really yelled at her like that before.' I stand and stare at them for a few moments, remembering the days long ago when Elizabeta was like that. Well, ___ never really went through a stage where she thought she was a boy, though.
I walk over, catching Hungary and _____ off gaurd as I hug them both in a tight embrace.
"R-Roderich..." Elizabeta looks up at me with her lovely eyes that I used to love so much.
I stare back at her and then look down at our daughter. Our.... Daughter. I smile at Elizabeta warmly and hug them a bit tighter. "Elizabeta..." I say, gaining her attention. "Zhis is our little girl... Ve both brought her into zhis vorld together..." I smile and kiss her forehead.
She smiles, looking down at ____.
"I missed jou..." I tell her, making ____ look up at us.
I grin and kiss Elizabeta's lips softly, releasing ___ from the hug and pulling Hungary closer to me, catching her off gaurd. Her eyes widen as she melts into it, closing her eyes.
"Eww..... Mom...Dad... Zhis is sveet und all.... But please get a room...." ____ snaps us out of our trance and we release from eachother, only to realize some other countries were staring at us. I clear my throat and put on a more serious look.
"Er...um..." I blush and look at ____.
"I vas just showing jou vhat not to do vith anyvone. Ever... Ja." I straighten my coat and look at Elizabeta, whom is standing beside me silently with a bright red face.
"Vhy dont jou go...um...Make friends..." I state, forgetting everything that happened before the kiss. _____ brightens at this, starting to regain her ordinary happy-go-lucky state.
"REALLY?! Danke Vati!!! (Thank you daddy!)" She smiles wildly, hugging me and running off. I cringe as she returns to America and Russia. 'They better not try anything on her...' I scowl.
I blink as something tugs my coat.
"Oh, um... Elizabeta... About vhat I did..." I scratch the back of my head and chuckle nervously.
"It vas nice..." She smiles at me. 'With those eyes of hers....'
"Ja, I agree..." I smile back at her, butterflies filling my chest.

~~~~extended Austria X Hungary ending... because why not?~~~~

I sit at my piano, having played all day after the little incedent with Hungary.
Knock knock knock.
"Come in." I call, not stopping. Assuming it to be a maid, I continue playing my peice.
As I finish, I jump in surprise as I hear clapping.
"That vas lovely!" A familiar voice rings in my ear. 'Her.'
I turn around in my piano bench, only to be greeted by a certain hungarian.
"Is ____ here? I vanted to see if she was alright." She looks around the room.
"Nein, she vanted to go spend time vith America." I scowl a bit at the thought of him being alone with my daughter.
"I see..." She nods, still looking around the room.
"Zhis reminds me of when ve vere younger und..." She pauses.
"Married." I finish her sentence, looking away. We both stay silent for a while until she speaks again.
"Remember vhen I was pregnant vith ____?" She giggles.
"Oh ja. I svear zhere vas never a day zhat vould go by vithout your nagging." I laugh.
"Jou are vone to talk." She laughs and playfully throws a soft punch to my shoulder.
I chuckle.
"Ja..." My mind trails off to distant memories. I look at Elizabeta and place a piece of hair behind her ear. I fix my glasses and blink.
"Roderich..." She lets her hand enter twine with mine. She yawns and places her head on my shoulder.
"I never really vanted to leave jou..." She says, letting tears flow silently.
"Ja..." I say, stroking her long, brunette hair.
"I know."







oh, and btw I actually did the math
I know math

1918 was the year Austria and Hungary separated
They had ____ in 1917
101 years after that is 2018

I didn't want her to be like, an uber young country
But I did not want her to be uber old
So whatever, ya know?

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