Denmark X Reader; Swedish Men

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Denmark's POV----

I walk into ___'s room quietly.
"Hey how's it going bros? This is Peeewwddiepie!"
I grin and walk up behind ____.
"Cool! Watcha watching, ___?" I tap her shoulder and she turns around to face me. She smiles. "Oh, this is Pewdiepie! He's from Sweden." She turns back around and I frown. "A swedish dude?"
"Yup. Isn't he hot!?" The (h/c) girl rests her head on her hands. "Man, swedish guys are hot!" She giggles. I cross my arms and puff out my cheeks. "Swedish men? So you've got a thing for Sweden?" My eyes narrow. "Yea, he's pretty hot too."
I growl under my breath. "Lets go watch Hannibal." I pull on her arm. "Nah." She waves me off. "You can go by yourself." She pauses the youtube video and turns back around, pointing at her dresser. "The season 1 and 2 cds are on my dresser."
"But I thought you had a thing for Mads Mikkelsen." I poke her shoulder. "Yea, he is pretty good looking for his age, like, really good looking." She unpauses the youtube video. I reach over her shoulder and pause it again. "Did you know that Mads Mikkelsen is the sexiest man in Denmark?"
____ unpauses it again. "I've known that for a while now." Her eyebrow lifts.
"If you ask me, Danish guys are pretty hot." I grin and point to myself. "We're wayyy better looking then swedes." I lean closer to ____. "What do you think?"
"If you're saying you're gay for your own people, then im fine with that." ____ chuckles.
"No, thats not what im trying to say." I frown and sit on her bed. "Im saying that swedes aren't that attractive." I toss a pillow at ____.
"Matthias?" She turns around on her chair. "Are you jealous of Sweden?" She emphasizes jealous and Sweden, making me cringe. "No." My face flushes.
"Dear lord, I think the king is JEALOUS!"____ smirks. I growl and get up, grabbing her wrists and pulling her to her feet. Her eyes widen in surprise. "The king does not get jealous." I frown and smash my lips into hers, cupping her face in my hands.
I widen my eyes. 'She's actually kissing back?!' My hands move down to her waist as I pull her closer, the kiss deepening rapidly.

~~~~~Sweden's POV~~~~~~~~

I open ___'s door slowly. 'Matthias has been in there with her for two hours, and dinner is getting cold.'
I peak in, opening my mouth to speak. "Dinner is read-" I shut my mouth.
____ and Matthias lay in bed, Matthias wrapping his arms around her protectively.
I look on the floor, only guessing what most likely happened in here.
I turn around and close the door, headed to the kitchen. Finland and Norway sit at the table, eating the swedish meatballs I made.
"I kn'w where th' noise was comin' from now..." I say quietly and sit down.

Sorry that was short...


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