Turkey X Shy!Reader X England part 1.

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Could I have picked a more random combo or what? Like, for realz, man. I bet you this is the first Turkey X Reader X England fan fiction you have ever read. Seriously.

What. Is. Wrong. With. Me?!?!

Honestly, I was tempted to add in Sweden, but oh my dear goodness.

Reader-Chan's P.O.V ^-^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walk through the hallways of the school, my hands shoved into the pockets of my sweater and my head lowered. My (h/l) hair sways as I walk.

My name is ___ ____, the new girl at Gakuen Academy; which I only made it into because my mother got married to some "super rich" doctor that happened to live in England. It's not like I'm not happy for my mom, or that I don't like my new dad, but the idea of moving all the way to England from (home country) was a bit frightening. (If you are from England, just pretend you're moving across the country.)

In general, I am positive, happy-go-lucky, and obnoxiously talkative, but for some reason my heart clenched and my stomach felt tingly. I don't know why, but for some reason I was almost unable to socialize with the other students. What do they call this feeling? Oh, right, shyness.

" 'Ello, love, are you lost?"

I look up, a wild blush spreading out over my face. "O-Oh, no..." I stutter quietly, looking down at my shoes.

"Oh? Aren't you the new student, though?"

I nod slowly, looking back up.

He had bright green eyes and blonde hair, along with a pair of exceptionally large eyebrows.

"You are Miss ___, correct? I am the president of the student body, Arthur Kirkland." He grins.

I then nod and shuffle my feet. I pull out my schedule and hand it to him, my face still bright red. "Could you tell me where Mr. Gold's classroom is?" I ask in a whisper-voice.

Arthur passes back the schedule and points down the hall. "Down the hall and to the left. It's the room to the left of the staircase." He bends down, kissing my hand. "Good day to you, love." He smirks and walks off, leaving me blushing.


I walk into the classroom, looking around shyly. The teacher, an older man in his late forties, is in the middle of a lecture when he pauses to see me.

"Are you the new student?" He gestures me in. He looks around the class and points to a desk near the middle. "You can sit there, but remember not to be late next time, young lady." He frowns and turns around, continuing his lesson on science.



My back straightens as something taps my back.


I grunt and turn around, seeing a masked boy about to poke me again. Why he was masked, only God knows, but whatever, this kid was gorgeous.

My face immediately turns a bright shade of red, causing the boy to snicker.

"So lady, you're the new girl? Gotta say," He grins and leans forward, "you look pretty good."

I blush even more (if that was humanly possible) and search my brain for something to say back.

'Come on ___, what would the old (not to mention) popular you say if she was here?'

"U-um... Than-"

"Miss ___, is there something you would like to say to the class?" Mr. Gold cuts off my statement flatly and glares daggers in my direction.

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