Sweden X Dying!Reader; like I'm Gonna Lose You

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~~~~Reader's P.O.V~~~

I rub my hands together in the hospital, licking my lips. "Thanks Berwald!" I take the swedish meatballs and place them in my mouth one by one with a fork. "Slow d'wn, ___." He sits down on my bed next to me on my bed. "Y'u c'nt eat so f'st." He strokes my hair. "You shouldn't worry about me so much, Berwald!" I kiss his cheek, only to cough. I hold my arm over my mouth and my head plops back down on the pillow. Berwald places his hand on my head. "You're g'ttin' hot." He stands up and crosses his arms. My arms fold behind my head. "Dang right I *cough* am!" I laugh, only to cough spontaneously.
Me and Berwald weren't exactly dating, but we were really good friends, well, best friends.
I told him that kissing in my country was common, like kisses on the cheek. That wasn't really true, though. In all honesty, it was just an excuse to kiss Sweden. (XD wait to go, reader-chan!)
I perch my lip and look over at all of the machines and wires hooked up to me.
Yes, I am a country. My country, however, was falling apart- politically and by numbers.
I was a rather small country under British rule, but due to many forest fires, arguements, and bankruptcies, many people were abandoning me.
Sweden just happened to be one of my close friends for a long time.
I cough again, this time with blood coming out. I wipe my face and look back at Berwald. "Hey, Berwald?" I tug his shirt, signaling him to sit back down. He looks at me, still wearing his blank expression. "Ja?" His hand reaches for my hair again as he begins to stroke it.
I bite my lip and close my eyes. "What do you suppose heaven is like?" I pull my hands out from under my head, reaching it in the air as if to grab something. I knew that Berwald was pretty much an atheist, but I liked to believe that there was someone waiting for me, preferably God since I'm catholic (hence being part of the UK.)
I hear Sweden shift on the bed uncomfortably. "Well..." He takes a deep breath. "If 't is real," his hand continues to stroke my hair. " 't sounds l'ke a lov'ly place." He looks back at me, this time with more expression. Sadness?
I nod. "I hope God or Jesus knows how to make swedish meatballs like you do." I giggle.
Sweden chuckles too. "Whoa!" I gasp, sitting up to be by him.
"Wh't?" He lifts an eyebrow. "You laughed!" I hug him tightly.
He stiffens, only to relax in my arms. "____?" His chin rests on my head.
"Yea?" I look up, only to be greeted by a pair of sad, blue eyes. Berwald wipes his tears with his hand. " Jag hade hoppats att du skulle stanna hos mig längre ... (I had hoped you would stay with me longer.")
He begins to cry harder, holding my small form closer to his. My eyes widen as I translate it in my head. "H-hey, you're gonna m-make me cry too." I reach my hands up to help him wipe away his tears. I had never seen this side of him.
He stares at me for a moment before bending down, pressing his lips to mine.
Immidiatly I melted into it, wrapping my arms around his neck.
I break away to cough again, more blood spilling out this time. "B-berwald.." I hold up my hand, watching it start to fade. "N-no." I shake my head slowly, looking at berwald. "I dont want to go, though!" My eyes water.

~~~~~~~Berwald's p.o.v~~~~~

I watch her hand start to fade. I gasp quietly and stare into her eyes. I couldn't help her...
My eyes start to fill too as I grab her other hand and pull her closer, stroking her hair softly. I sit her on my lap so her chest is against mine. I hug her tightly. " Jag älskar dig, _____."
Then I stand her up, pulling out my phone and placing it on the desk beside her hospital bed. I quietly make a prayer, walking closer to ____. Her (e/c) eyes stare at me curiously.
Then the music plays and she nods.

I found myself dreaming
Its over and gone
Like a scene from a movie that every broken heart knows
We were walking on moonlight
And you pulled me close
Split second and you disappeared
And I was all alone

I wrap one of my arms around ____'s waist, holding her hand in the other. She places her head on my chest as we begin to sway to the music.

I woke up in tears with you by my side
Breath of relief and I realized
No, we're not promised tomorrow

She smiles into my chest. "I didn't know you liked Meghan Trainor." She laughs weakly.
"Well I kn'w th't you did." I kiss her forehead.

So im gonna love you like im gonna lose you
Im gonna hold you like im saying goodbye
Wherever we're standin'
I won't take you for granted
'Cause we never know when we'll run out of time
So im gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
Im gonna love you like im gonna lose you

I look down at her slowly fading arm, then look away.

In the blink of an eye
Just a whisper of smoke
You could lose everything
The truth is you never know

So I'll kiss you longer baby
Any chance that I get
I'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regrets

Let's take our time
To say what we want
Use what we got
Before it's all gone
Cause no, we're not promised tomorrow

"Berwald?" ____ peeks up at me. "I love you, you know." She kisses my chin.
" Jag älskar dig också (I love you too.")

So im gonna love you like im gonna lose you
Im gonna hold you like im saying goodbye
Wherever we're standin'
I won't take you for granted
'Cause we never know when we'll run out of time
So im gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
Im gonna love you like im gonna lose you

So im gonna love you like im gonna lose you
Im gonna hold you like im saying goodbye
Wherever we're standin'
I won't take you for granted
'Cause we never know when we'll run out of time
So im gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
Im gonna love you like im gonna lose you

The song ends and I stand there with ____, holding her in my arms and humming the tune to the song until she completely fades.
"Goodbye, Berwald."


Sorry you died reader-chan, but it's the circle of liiffffeeeee

Aww, that was a bit depressing ;~;
*hides in corner eating cookie dough and pocky*

Song- Like I'm Gonna Lose You- Meghan Trainor & John Legend
I don't own the song >◇
lyrics- azlyrics.com

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