Pass joints not judgments

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All of the boys decided to stay at the mansion and wait for Tala to return from wherever she is right now. We looked through the whole house and searched for her everywhere but unfortunately she was nowhere to be found. Akashi would not admit it to himself but he was feeling quite nervous. 

From Ryotas mums descriptions Tala sounded very powerful and as the captain of the basketball team he had to consider her a possible threat. Although she is the avatar and her existence has the use to protect the world and keep the balance between the humans and the spirits. 

Yes, spirits, who the fuck would have thought that spirits actually existed and that girl Tala should be the bridge to these creatures. 

Akashi needed to stop overthinking, which is odd because normally he would not let his emotions overtake his rational side. He straightened himself up a bit as he sat on the huge white couch with everybody waiting for the unknown girl to arrive.

Ryota shot up from his seat as if he remembered something.

"What is it, Ryota?" Akashi demanded to know.

He could see a grin slowly spreading on Kise's face as he looked at his phone and stared at the time on his home screen. 

"We need to go outside, it is time." Kise said baldly walking to the door of the living room, which led to the forest and a little hill hidden in bushes and trees. As we exited the living room and headed to the little hill behind the garden of the mansion a sweet sent tickled his nose. He immediately recognized it. Weed. 

He snorted as they went into the direction of the smell which filled their surroundings. 

Ryota laughs "You always have to follow the weed an you will find Tala. It's easy."

Murasakibara grinned as he asked honestly amused "Damn Kise, the avatar smokes weed?" 

Akashi rolled his eyes. He was not a great fan of drugs or alcohol he just doesn't even have the time to do partying. So he could only disapprove to this, and as their current captain he will have to rebuke her. Drugs could only cloud her mind and with this habit she could endanger her teammates.

Soon they got to the top of the hill and scramble through the bushes to get to a big tree. A bench was placed in front of the tree and their Akashi and the others could spot a figure which was relaxed against the backrest of the bench.

Akashi could immediately recognize her due to the little lantern which provided subdued light in the darkness of the evening. Her hair which color was a variation of blonde and silver shades was unmistakable. It was actually her, the girl from two weeks ago who left an immense impression on him by doing nothing than just walking by.

How could he not have seen it? He should have had the ability to connect the dots and figure out it was her all the time. The avatar. 

And now he could see more than just her eyes and hair. Tala had her head leaned back, eyes closed and headphones on her ears as she held a burning joint in between her right thumb and her index finger. In kind of seemed as if she were sleeping. Akashi could immediately tell that she was not from Asia. Tala had soft features that reminded him of norway or sweden but he could not actually place where she was from. 

Akashi heard Murisakibara giggle while he said "Kise your cousin is cool. Can I chill with her, I wanna smoke some too?" 

"No."Akashis voice broke through the question before Kise had even the chance to answer.    "You are not going to smoke Murasakibara. This is an order." he added in a demeaning manner. 

Murisakibara yielded with both his hands in the air not saying a single word after Akashi spoke.

Ryota ignored it and slowly approached Tala. Shortly before he would touch her he leaned in with his ear and carefully lifted the right side of her black over ear headphones. He listened to what Tala was at to moment listening to. The girl didn't budge at all it seemed like she didn't even notice it. 

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