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They all stared down at Tala in Akashis arms obviously looking exhausted. He does not need to fool himself, it exactly looked like what actually happened, that Tala got fucked. And well she did. 

Ryota's face was pale but no one seemed to dare speak to him about the girl in his arms. Aomine smirked knowingly whereas Momoi looked deeply hurt, but he cared about neither of their reactions. 

Akashi noticed that Aida's father was absent and Kuroko as well. "Where did your father go Riko?" he asked her pretending that the sight in front of them was as normal as always. At some point they would have had to get used to it, sooner is better than later. 

"He has a meeting with Jabberwock and they are currently in a club downtown." she explained to him not seeming disturbed by the two lovebirds. Akashi nodded "And where did Kuroko disappear to?"

Suddenly everybody stiffened before his team mates and managers searched through the room not seeing Tetsuya as well. Aomine growled "That idiot"

Tala seemed confused before she jumped out of Akashi's arms. She landed a few meters away from Akashi, he knew she could jump high but that was impressive, but again he had seen her jump out of a window. 

"Why is he an idiot?" Tala asked Aomine all her exhaustion seemed to have disappeared in a second. 

Aomine shook his head looking displeased "He went with Kagetora to meet Jabberwock" 


They ran as fast as they could in order to catch up with Tetsu on time. If it wasn't too late. He honestly hoped that Jabberwock did not do something stupid not because of his furious teammates but because of the dangerous girl running behind him.

"Is he nuts?" he heard Taiga shout in the front.

"He's always good for surprises." Murasakibara answered.  

"It's not the first time he did something like that" Ryota hissed

"That's a classic Tetsuya" Aomine shouted back

"Really, that guys unbelievable" Midorima stated

"Sometimes Kuroko does things even I don't expect. We should hurry up" Akashi told everyone fastening his run. Tala stayed silent the whole way to the club.

When we arrived at the entrance we immediately saw Kuroko sitting on the floor looking hurt. Nash gripped the hem of his shirt threatening him. As soon as Kagami was within reach he threw a punch at Nash but the captain of Jabberwock dodged it and stood up again leaving Kuroko on the floor.

"You assholes" Aomine growled menacingly "How dare you touch our teammate!"

Silver smirked "Ah look, that means you will be our opponents tomorrow. You've gathered a whole pack of monkeys" looking at each of the boys before he noticed Tala. Akashi could not read a single emotion on her face, this state was the most dangerous one she could be in.

"You've brought a pretty girl to entertain us?" Silver asked grinning making his teammates laugh hard

Still not a single muscle showed any reaction just the deadly glare in her eyes should be a threat enough. But they did not know how much of a danger she could be to them.

"I've got an awesome idea, what about a fight right now?" the big bulky man shouted clenching his fists.

"I've got an even better idea, why don't you shove yours up your ass?" Tala spoke tauntingly in perfect english. Akashi's head and everybody else's shot in her direction. But she seemed unfazed.

"What did you just say, you bitch?" Silver shouted at her in english as well.

"Enough!" Akashi's demanding voice interrupted their tension. He wanted Silver to avert his gaze from Tala.

Kuroko who still was seated on the floor looked up at Akashi "Seijuro..."

"I understand. Knowing you, you would want to settle it on the court tomorrow, just like a sportsman" he gazed softly at Tetsuya.

"Yes, please" Kuroko pleaded with a determined expression.

"There is no point in fighting here. Let's go, Tetsuya's injuries are our priority." he ordered turning around to leave. Aomine and Taiga growled clearly not happy with the situation.

Silver bursted out into laughter "What shit was that? You came here all the way to talk shit and now when it comes to a fight you chicken out? Above stupidity but also cowards too. That's why you all are monkeys" he insulted them with another laugh.

Akashi could feel Tala's glare burning holes in his back. He looked at her seeing her pleading gaze, he sighed maybe some intimidation would be good for tomorrow. 

"If they are monkeys" Tala pointed at us before pointing at Jabberwock "You all are fucking pigs" she spit menacingly.

Silver narrowed his eyes "What the fuck did you just say?" he took a step forward raising his fist.

"Yeah I wouldn't do that" Aomine warned him but Silver only laughed at his warning 

"You think I'm scared of that little bitch?" he nodded in Tala's direction shooting daggers at her. 

"You should be" Tala answered boldly raising her opened hand in the air. Suddenly it seemed like Silver was being pulled forward quickly by an invisible force. The next thing they know his silver chain necklace was in Tala's tight grip staring up at him coldly. "You wanna fight. I dare you. But a fight with bare hands, just like mother nature had us born" 

Silver whose eyes widened in confusion for a second before he laughed loudly "You wanna fight me" he asked incredulously clearly too dumb to notice he had just been a witness of her bending skills.  

Tala chuckled "No, no, no. That would be unfair. I dare you all to fight me" she pointed at Jabberwock loosening her grip around his chain taking a step back. She got into her fighting posture emphasizing them to start. 

Silver only laughed "If you insist" before throwing his first punch which Tala elegantly dodged with her arm taking Silver by surprise. That clearly made him angry and he threw a few uncontrolled fists at her which she all dodged easily. To be honest it looked like a few puppies were thrown into a room with a lion. Quite hilarious. 

Before Silver could aim at her again she landed an echoing punch which threw Silver against the fucking wall and he had been no where near the wall. He looked shocked as he tried to stand up. His teammates seemed angry now and all ran towards Tala in the same time. But now something was different her posture reminded Akashi more of the day he saw her bend the water out of her clothes. When the Jabberwock reached Tala all went quiet for a second before they heard a few quick thuds. Next thing they know Tala stood there with her fists connecting in her avatar pose and all men of the Jabberwock team drop to the floor lifelessly. They did not move a single muscle as they laid on the floor chaotically. 

Akashi and the boys looked at her with wide eyes she just knocked them all out in under a second. 

"Is it true that you can eliminate whole armies in under a minute?" Taiga asked shocked at her powers.

Tala laughed lightly "Yea, I did it multiple times" earning wows from Taiga and Aomine.

"Oh and Taiga your punch was horrible. You should learn how to do that correctly." she chuckled at him.

Akashi was not even surprised anymore. 

"We should go, tomorrow is the match and with us all leaving the mansion our time advantage is gone"

They nodded all before Murisakibara dared to asked what everybody was thinking "Talachin are they dead?" 

Tala smiled at him softly "No, the technique I used is called chi blocking. It just makes it unable for them to move but it will pass in a few hours"

The boys breathed in relieved.

"Let's go" Akashi ordered throwing his arm around Talas shoulder leaving the club.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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