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After Tala literally jumped out of the window Akashi and the others went to their own rooms and decided to call it a night. However he just could not find any sleep, he kept on wondering where Tala went to and when she will be back.

It was now past 2 am and he replayed everything that happened today in his head. He should have not told her that he was not interested. He was sure now that it may be the biggest mistake he ever made. Finally after hours of waiting he heard the floor outside in the hallway squeaking indicating Talas arrival. Akashi heard the door on the opposite side of his room open and close.

That was his chance he stood up from the gigantic red canopy bed and slid outside in the hallway. He was only wearing his joggers as he was still lying in his bed a few moments ago. He did not care that his torso was shown maybe it would help him to return to the flirting Tala. He didn't like the pissed Tala so he needed to make a change. 

He knocked softly on the door to announce his presence. He heard a hum from the inside and carefully opened her pink door. Surprisingly her room was a bit smaller than his but still very cozy with all the shades of pink and green. In the middle of the room Tala sat on the floor cross-legged and her fists touching. She was meditating.

Her room smelt like nothing absolutely nothing. Not even weed and if he really thought about it he could not remember catching any type of smell from the girl in front of him. That was very odd. 

"Yes?" Tala hummed again still looking deeply concentrated.

Shit he did not really thought about what he wanted to tell her.

"Ahm, I wanted to talk to you..."he stated unsure on how to continue. 

Her eyebrow lifted, which was the only facial reaction he got. "So you stayed up till 2 in the morning to tell me what exactly? Could you not wait till tomorrow?" she sounded slightly annoyed. Still with her eyes closed.

"Well I couldn't sleep so..." he began to explain but in fact he had no reason but that he wanted to talk to her. He was consumed by the thought of her, he could not wait till tomorrow. No girl made him that irrational but to be fair he never paid attention to them anyways. That's why he is that shocked to be that captivated by the avatar. 

Then she smiled and opened her eyes. Okay he wanted to withdraw his answer he did not want to talk he just wanted to see her smile again just like in the beginning. And now she gave him a genuine smile while locking eyes with his. 

"You wanna smoke something or how do you think I could help you fall asleep?" she joked lightly as her eyes traveled up and down his naked torso showing off his abs, making her lick her lips. Seemed like his plan worked. 

Akashi chuckled "No that's not it, anyways why do you even smoke?"

Tala laughed "You sound just like my parents when they found out their only daughter is a stoner" but then her expression got more serious "honestly smoking helps me control my power. Sometimes it's just very overwhelming to bear to powerful personas in one body" 

That actually made sense to him so she is not just a drug addict it is more like self medication. Interesting. 

"Also it keeps my head off things" She added shortly while her gaze went over his figure once more.

Akashi hummed in response smirking a little before collecting his courage "I just wanted you to know that the thing I said earlier... I... I didn't mean it." he said quietly before looking at her.

She just lifted her eyebrow "So you came here just to tell me that you wanna fuck me?" she asked lightly amused.

Akashi got embarrassed and blushed uncontrollably.

"Gosh why are y'all so uptight. You'r acting like sex is something to stay quiet about." she spoke out irritated by his embarrassment.

He straightened his posture not wanting to seem like an immature child in front of her before his heterochromic eyes fixated hers. 

"It's not usual here to speak that freely about it and to be honest..." he started explaining.

"...your a virgin" Tala ended his sentence for him. He was searching for any sign of mockery in her face but it was just like she stated a fact. Nothing more, nothing less.

He just looked at her and Tala seemed thoughtful before asking Akashi in a serious tone "I thought you were quite popular among the girls in your school. So how does it come?"

"They just never interested me, and also no one was good enough. I am always right and I can't settle for something less than I am worth. I am absolut and the only person who ever made me doubt by absolution was you." Akashi explained to Tala who stood up from the floor and was walking in his direction.

"So you came here all shirtless in the middle of the night, because I proved to you that you are not absolute?" 

He chuckled "No. You misunderstood me. I am absolut. But you somehow are absolut as well. And that fascinates me"

Tala hummed as she got closer standing immediately in front of him "So I fascinate you, how lovely." 

Akashi looked at her inside those blue ocean eyes and he decided that he never wanted to look away.

"you do."

Tala leaned in a bit as she cupped his cheek with her hand lightly. "You know why I chose you out of all?"

Akashis eyes widened. "What do you mean you chose me?"

Tala looked from his red eye to his yellow eye back and forth "The moment I laid eyes on you, I chose you. I will mainly focus on you in those 2 months. You may be the captain of the team but still you can learn a lot from me." she sighed "I've already lived a very long time and no one ever has drawn my interest as much as you do. I will teach you how to bend. That's what I meant with a greater honor. This is the biggest gift I can give to you and I made my choice." 

Akashi thought he misunderstood her. Teaching him how to bend? He was not a bender, he was only a human and as much as he knew he did not have supernatural abilities. 

Tala laughed "No worries, I can give you the ability to bend one element out of the four. But I will not teach you how to bend in a regular way, I will teach you how I won against you with my eyes closed. How you can detect every little movement of your opponent, every little change in their balance. All that through earth bending. And you are lucky because I am the greatest earth bender that ever existed." she winked at him.

"You would really teach me?" Akashi asked incredulously.

"Yes and we will start tomorrow but now you have to go back in your room and put on a shirt or otherwise you will lay in this bed with me in a matter of seconds. I warn you." Lust was sparkling in her eyes as she looked down at his body savoring every line of his muscular torso.

Akashi couldn't help himself he laughed a little at her confession whereupon Tala narrowed her eyes "You think this is funny?"

"A little, is it not normally the man who has problems to control himself?" He glanced down at her smiling as he brought his fingers to her hair finally feeling the softness of the braid as he twirled it between his fingers. He had wanted to do so since the moment they met. 

"Well this time it isn't so please I don't want to be rude and pressure you into anything..." now Tala seemed unsure of herself, which he had never witnessed on her before. 

Now Akashi got a devilish idea as he grinned at her bringing his face incredible close to her. 

"Well then I'll see you tomorrow at practice. Do not be late" he told her in his captain tone but was still with his lips millimeter apart from hers. Then he quickly kissed her cheek, winked at her and left her room.

Outside he stood there dazzled. He never winked at any girl before and now she made him feel so powerful because of her desire for him that he just knew he could play with her and actually enjoy it. The next two months will be a lot of fun and he intends to make Tala go crazy about him. 

Secretly he wanted her to be as crazy about him as he is about her. He wanted her to feel the chaos that she causes and he admitted that she will probably be the person he will dedicate himself to and that scared the shit out of him.

Nonetheless he was looking forward to teasing her and simply enjoying her. 

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