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The next morning the sunlight disturbed Akashi's deep sleep. He hasn't slept that good in years he thought so himself while he was trying to roll his body around but his arm was blocked by something, or someone. That's when realization hit him as he abruptly opened his eyes and looked at the girl beside him. 

Tala was still sound asleep with her head resting on Akashi's his upper arm. Her hair somehow came loos during the night and was now spread open over the mattress and his torso. 

It's the first time he's seen her hair loos, usually she wore two braids. He was dazzled by the sight of the play of colors as he could observe different brown, silver and gold shades. But then his gaze traveled lower revealing her bare torso. Suddenly he got a very detailed flashback of tonight, he replayed every moment where he tasted and felt her over and over again. 

He took himself another minute admiring her beauty before he gently laid his other arm around her body tugging her to his side tightly before he kissed slowly from her ear down her neck. Akashi saw the goosebumps spreading on her body as she shifted a little in her sleep, slowly waking up.

He kissed her ear gently before whispering in a raspy morning voice "Rise and shine, love" 

Tala groaned a little before slowly opening her eyes. She seemed as if the sunlight deeply hurt her eyes because she was squinting her eyes dramatically. Akashi chuckled lowly before tugging her naked body close to him again and slowly stroking her hair behind her ear. 

Tala closed her eyes again and rolled over so that her face was leaned against Akashis chest. "You can't just keep sleeping, that's why you've always been late" he stated to her, laughing a little. 

"Nah you just wake up way too early, I still got like four hours of sleep ahead of me" she murmured in his chest snuggling closer to him making herself comfortable again. 

Akashi knew that arguing would not be effective so he swiftly moved his arms under her knees and back, picked her up smoothly and took her into the walk in closet. He placed her down before quickly peeking her lips.

"I'm going to get ready myself. See you in 15 minutes." he ordered in his tone of authority. Tala frowned but did not talk back to him. 

Akashi picked up his clothes which were spread around the entire room and made his way into his own bedroom.


Exactly 15 minutes later he knocked at Talas door and was greeted by her frowning face. But Akashi only grinned at her feeling the success of getting her to practice at time. Unfortunately this mood would probably change now, because he had troublesome news.

"You know the game is in four days right?" he started carefully, she only nodded. 

"Today our managers and our sponsor will come to practice and we will analyze our opponents. Momoi is already here, please try not to rip her head off." Akashi continued.

"For instance, I would not rip her head off. No, I would shed of her skin slowly and gift it to her parents." She said while she grinned at him premonitorily, but he had the strong feeling that the warning was for him and not Momoi. 

He stayed silent the whole walk to the gym. Akashi needed to ease the tension. He was well aware that he could not allow it to end like it did last time, simply because of the fact that Tala was completely his now. Even though he was not sure if Tala absolutely understood it. He probably had to prove it to her.

Down in the gym everybody was already waiting for them. Great, about being on time. He instantly noticed Momoi's judgmental stare finding Tala's who shot her warning daggers. 

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